Regular Update

Regular Update

Due to a family tragedy, I am keeping this update brief. My apologies for not doing all the things I’d wanted to do on the site this week.

As always, there’s a new MP3, new comic and a new poll.
Two weeks left to enter the contest.
My Shining Force CD on auction, with bonus, at Ebay.

See the Campaign Site, Shining Force II Site and Final Conflict site for recent updates.

Response to the Poll results, for future additions to SFC:
Though I won’t be adding more MP3s due to the legal implications, I will certainly try to add more artwork and wallpapers ASAP.

I may not be online much these next few days, or replying to email. I’ll try to be at the forums during work hours if I can, but I’ll be busier at work this week, and in the evenings our phoneline is pretty tied up, as there are many arrangements to be made. I’m sorry.

Regular Update

Regular Update

First of all, I’m sure you’re all aware of the tragedies that befell the USA yesterday. My thoughts are with all those affected by these awful events.
In light of yesterday’s events, I had to change the comic strip of the fortnight at the last minute, as the one I had planned for this fortnight (and drew over a week ago) may have seemed somewhat tasteless under the current circumstances. The replacement may not be up to the usual standard, and for that, I apologise. But I’m sure many of you are not in any mood for comedy at this time anyway, and understandably so.

As always on our fortnightly update, there’s a new MP3, new comic strip and a new poll.

The August contest is now officially over, and the winners have been announced… were you one of the lucky ones?

The September contest has now been launched, check it out here!

I intended to review another bunch of sites for addition to the directory, but I ended up getting carried away with my Final Conflict translation, and in the last few days have translated 4 (pretty long) sections. Check it out at the Final Conflict site!

The Shining Force Campaign is going very well, with over 130 signatures added in about 2 days. Support so far is great, so if you haven’t already added your name and sent an email, why not nip along to the Campaign site and do so now!

I’ve got a few more items to add to my collection page, but I’m holding off doing that until the other half dozen items I’m waiting for arrive.

Finally, without further ado, here are the results of last fortnight’s poll. I was somewhat disappointed to see that so many people “don’t care” whether there’s a new game, but it’s great to see how hopeful the majority are that there will be another Shining game!

Various Updates

Various Updates

The August contest is now over, and entries are no longer being accepted. The winner will be announced on Wednesday 12th September.
Also, I’ve added 2 new sections to the Final Conflict translation.

The Shining Force Campaign is going well, with over 100 new signatures added in less than 2 days! If you haven’t already, drop by the Campaign site & do your part to support the cause!

SF Campaign: Phase III Launched!

SF Campaign: Phase III Launched!

The Shining Force Campaign: Phase III has now officially launched! Drop by the site to find out what it’s all about!
Don’t forget, there’s only 2 days left to enter the current contest – the winners will be announced on Wednesday 12th September.

I’m currently reviewing a whole bunch of sites (~50 of them) for addition to the SFC directory, and I’m also redesigning the chat system here… it never did look very nice, so I thought I should take some time to tart it up 🙂

I’ll also be working hard on my Final Conflict translation, as I’ve got a few days off work now. Keep your eyes peeled!

I’ve archived all the August news now. See how short this page is?!

More updates to come on Wednesday.