Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Comic Series has been completed!

As an extra Christmas present, I’m working on some new sections for SFC. I hope to get them online by the end of January, sooner if I can 🙂 They’ll include (for each game):

  • Fan Art – quality artwork drawn by fans from across the globe
  • Fan Fiction – fan-written stories based on the Shining series
  • Story Summary – a synopsis of the events in the game
  • Review – my thoughts on all aspects of each game
  • Related Merchandise – items relating to each game, further information on them (ie, ISBN numbers etc), price guide and where to buy them (if possible).

I’ve also got some more high quality links to add to the SFC site database 🙂 Looks like the Christmas break isn’t going to be much of a break afterall! 😉
Due to time constraints, I may replace the Comic Strip of the Fortnight with Fan Art of the Fortnight, but we’ll see.

The Final Conflict site is due for an update soon, as I’m almost done on another section of the translation (the Christmas Comic kinda delayed me a bit there!); I’ve added some bits to the Shining Force II site, and there’s more on the way in the form of maps of every area of the game (thanks to Zor!); more midis are due to be posted soon, and with a bit of luck, sometime in 2002 I’ll continue work on my Shining Force site which has been on-hold for some time, while other projects took priority. My collection page needs updating, as does the Chronology (still!)… eventually. Also, in case you didn’t know, I’ve been working with shining3master on his Shining Force III Guide. I’m just doing the design and construction, it’s his content – but I can assure you the site is going to be great when it’s all up and running! More news as it’s available.

Well, I think it’s time for me to go and unwrap some presents! Hope you enjoy the end of the comic 🙂

Regular Update

Regular Update

The Christmas Comic Series has had another page added and there’s a new MP3 and poll for you 🙂 Less than 2 weeks left in which to enter this month’s contest, so hurry up! Not much time right now, so nothing else to say…

Oh, I need to update my collection page, and also add a couple of URLs for sites that have reappeared 🙂 Also got some big plans for additions over my Christmas break – watch this space!

Regular Update

Regular Update

The winners of the November contest have been announced – were you one of the lucky ones?
As always, there’s a new MP3 for you and a new poll. As you probably know my now, the Comic Strip of the Fortnight is a bit different during December… it’s now the Christmas Comic Series, which will be updated every Saturday and Wednesday until Christmas day. Another page has been added today of course!

I’ve updated my collection page, but there’s not much new there. Some artwork has been added to the Shining Force III artwork sections for all three scenarios, many thanks to Parn for providing the scans!

Wolfgang’s popular animated Shining Force sites are now back online, thanks to Parn of synbios.net! The links in the SFC database have been updated accordingly. I still have a batch of links to add, my apologies if yours is still waiting – visitors to my forums will know that I’ve been very busy of late, and the links have been on a low priority. I’ll endevour to do a major database update over Christmas.

Not much else to report, except that I’m trying to get some more of Final Conflict’s translation done while working on more of the Christmas Comic Series…

Unfortunately, due to file corruption, the results of last fortnight’s poll (“Would you buy a Game Boy Advance for Shining Soul?”) are lost 🙁 However, I do know it was a very mixed bag of results, with the majority saying that yes, they would buy a GBA for Shining Soul. It also seems a good few of you already have a GBA!