Regular Update

Regular Update

As always we have a new comic strip, MP3 and poll, along with the results of last fortnight’s poll, which you’ll find a little further down the page.
I’m close to finishing the Final Conflict translation, and then I’ll be able to move on to putting the rest of the Scenario 2 script online. If you’re a competant HTML coder and would like to help with putting the scripts into the SFC format, please drop me a line 🙂

I’ve got some more fan art to add, but that will probably come next week. Still awaiting your fanfics!

Not much else to report on the SFC front, however I’ll soon be launching a new site – Shining Dev, about a project to re-make Final Conflict in English, for the PC. This is an entirely non-profit project (as are all my projects, in fact they usually end up costing me money!), but if any of you are in-the-know when it comes to legal/copyright issues, I’d love to have a chat with you about this project, to make sure Sega can’t get mad at us for it! Look out for Shining Dev next week 🙂

I’ll not be updating the site much from now until next Tuesday/Wednesday, as my folks are going away for a week, and I have other things which I intend to fill my time with 😉 As well as those things, I should be getting Shining Soul through this weekend or early next week (damn the Easter postal service!!), so I’ll be busy playing that too. Rest assured that I’ll post my comments on the game as soon as I can tear myself away from it! I don’t know if I’ll be able to get screenshots or anything, but I’ll do my best for you all!

Various Updates

Various Updates

Some more fan art is now available, along with a bit more Scenario 3 translation.

The Scenario 2 translation team’s site seems to have gone down, but I’ll be adding the script to SFC over the coming weeks. At the moment my priority is the Final Conflict translation, which I’m now over 75% through!

Shining Anniversary

Shining Anniversary

Well, I couldn’t let it pass without at least mentioning it…

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the release of the original Shining Force!

What a wonderful decade it’s been, and here’s to the next!

I’d hoped to do something exciting for the site for this occasion, but I’ve been super busy, and I think all I can offer will be 6 more sections of the Final Conflict translation, which will be online later today 🙂 Oh, and another section of the Scenario 3 translation, courtesy of Aspartate!

Regular Update

Regular Update

As usual there’s a new comic strip, new MP3 & poll 🙂
The February contest is now over & the winner has been announced – which means that the March contest is now open!

I translated a little more of Final Conflict yesterday… but haven’t done a lot else on the site. I’ve finally found a flat, and the homebuying process is not only exciting and scary, but also very hectic. I must’ve made about thirty phonecalls today, and received a bunch too. Ugh! This is tiring… still, hopefully I’ll have some time to do some more updates over the coming weeks, but my apologies if that isn’t the case. Things should be more or less back to normal once the move is complete, which I estimate will be in about a month.

I guess you didn’t really need to know all of that, but I’m quite excited! 😉

Still lots of updates planned, so do watch this space!

Script Updates

Script Updates

I’ve just added some more sections of the Scenario 3 translation, and split up Chapters 1 & 2 into faster-loading pages.
More later!

Various Updates

Various Updates

Where to begin?!
Well, I’ve been doing a lot of work on the site these last few days, and though I wanted to get a lot more done before I put anything up, I figured I’d upload what I’ve done so far as something of a taster 🙂

Before I forget, Daria has kindly offered to let me link to the ROMs on her site. The Japanese ROMs aren’t yet uploaded there, but I’ll try to set up the links in the next few days.

I’ve re-arranged the navigation a smidgen to help you find everything the site contains 🙂 The game production credits for most of the games are up, and a lot more of the Shining Force II script. Thanks to various members of SFC, I’ve now got Chapter 3 of the Scenario 3 translation online, and I’m currently working on putting the Scenario 2 translation up. A few volunteers are working on other scripts (as well as some of the missing story summaries and credits), though I still need (and have no volunteers for) the Shining in the Darkness script and Shining Force III Premium Disc credits (my save is on my spare Saturn, which is packed away *grumble*).

What else? Oh yes, about 20 new pieces of fan art have been added, and various pieces of Shining merchandise too. I’ve done a very quick update on the database of links, to include some of the new Shining Soul information. Also, Aspartate has translated the Shining Soul Story Introduction from Sega’s Shining Soul site.

There’s still lots I’m working on and planning to add, but I hope you like what’s been done so far!

Oh, also, I hope you don’t mind, but to help my host out (this site uses a *lot* of bandwidth), I’ve added the tall banners to each page, on the right-hand side. Hopefully they’re not too obtrusive, but visible enough to keep the advertisers happy (after all, the ads will be viewed by people who are looking further down the page than just at the top, ne?!).

Last, but by no means, least… the Campaign is now less than 500 signatures away from being sent off to Sega, Nintendo and Camelot. If you haven’t already signed it, please do!

Well, gotta go upload all of this now, and then carry on working on everything else 😉