New Shining Game in Development?

New Shining Game in Development?

It’s just typical, isn’t it?
The weekend I was busy moving house (which went very smoothly, in case you were wondering… and it’s great to be in a place of my own!), Sega announced a new Shining game is in development… for an unspecified console. Yes, indeed! On May 17th, Sega revealed many of it’s classic titles, including the Shining series, will have new installments. Woohoo!

So, just as the campaign reaches it’s target, it seems almost pointless to send it off. Fear not though, there are still issues we need to raise with Sega about this. We need to let Sega USA & Sega Europe know that we’d like to play these games in English rather than always having to import them 😉 We need to let Sega Japan know how disappointed we were with Shining Soul and that Camelot should work on the new game. We should also let them know about our other ideas for the next game (remake/translation of Shining Force III’s three parts and Premium Disc… remake of the Gaidens… a full compilation, etc…). We’ll still contact Nintendo, in the hope that we’ll see this on GameCube, though I think I’ll only send it off to Nintendo Japan. And of course, we need to contact Camelot to let them know just how much we want to see this game made by them. So, those packs will be sent out this week 🙂

Well, gotta get back to unpacking all these boxes! My apologies in advance that the update due on Wednesday may be late, I’ve got so much to organise in my new home!

Regular Update/Campaign Sent

Regular Update/Campaign Sent

First of all, my apologies for not catching up with the updates here, and for even being late with this one. I’ve got a lot on in real life at the moment, so I’m still running behind here.
Though I’ve got the new comic strip and MP3 up, the contest winner and new contest won’t be announced until later today, or perhaps tomorrow.

Due to a glitch, the last poll (now from 4 weeks ago… sorry!), lost it’s results, but for the record, the question was:
If there was a university course covering Shining History, Geography, Family Trees etc, would you take it?
With the answers “yes, of course!”, “no, that’s silly” and “maybe”. Last time I checked “yes, of course!” was in the lead 🙂

Now there’s a new poll for you to enjoy, and more updates coming soon (I hope!).

For those who are interested, the Campaign was sent off last week, and yesterday I received my first response: from Sega of America. I’ll update the campaign site about this later, meanwhile you can find more info at the Campaign Forum.

Back later with more updates!

Script Update/Moving House

Script Update/Moving House

The last part of Scenario 3’s Chapter 6 translation has been completed, and uploaded. Many thanks to Aspartate for her hard work on that section!
The Campaign is now just a few names away from reaching the target of 5000 names, and should be ready to send next week! Thanks for all your support!

Finally, just FYI, I’m moving house tomorrow and since I don’t know how long it’ll be before I’m unpacked, have a connected phoneline & an ISP sorted, the next due update (May 22nd) might be a little late, and I won’t be around much prior to that so emails might go unanswered for longer than usual.

Regular Update

Regular Update

As always, there’s a new MP3, new poll & new comic strip for you to enjoy. The winners of last month’s contest have been announced, and a new contest has been launched – good luck!
I’ve been meaning to work on adding more of the Scenario 2 Script over the last few days, but have only managed to do one more section. Better than nothing though, eh? In addition, SilverShadow has kindly provided a Shining Wisdom story summary, and end of game credits, which I’ve added to the site.

In case you hadn’t heard yet, I finally finished off the Final Conflict translation, well, more or less 😉 I completed this within a year, as I’d hoped to, and just in time for my Shining Force II site’s 6th anniversary!