Regular Update/Magazine Scans

Regular Update/Magazine Scans

As usual there’s a new comic strip, new MP3 and a new poll for you to enjoy. The winners of last month’s contest have been announced and there’s a new contest for you to try your luck at this month.
I’ve also finished adding Chapter 4 of the Shining Force III Scenario 2 translation. Volunteers are currently working on typing up the scripts for Shining Force, Shining Wisdom and Shining in the Darkness, so those will be on the site in due course. Also, thanks to Lineage for his kind offer of re-translating the bad sections of the Scenario 2 Chapter 5 translation.

A few sites have been added to the listings here at SFC, and I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage you to report dead links at SFC when you find them, in order to keep the directory useful and fresh. With so many sites there I can’t possibly keep an eye on all of them, and some are bound to vanish at some point.

The merchandise section has been updated to include a whole bunch of items, including the extremely rare “Jogurt’s Little Box”. I’ve also updated my collection, and want list. Not much left to go now! Oh, and the Shining & the Darkness OST obi (spine card) has been added to the cover scans/artwork section. I’ve got some more artwork to scan in at some point, but that’s going to have to wait for now.

Seeing the results of last fortnight’s poll (regarding the addition of magazine article scans to SFC) has been very encouraging! I will be including a Shining Magazine Articles section in the new SFC, and in anticipation of this, I’d like to invite you to send in your scans of magazine articles about any game from the Shining series. The article could be a review, preview, cheat, hint, walkthrough, comic strip – pretty much anything! Before you send them to me, please email me first to let me know the following:

The magazine, publisher, issue number, date and country of origin
(so that I can tell you if I already have it)

The number of magazine pages the article covered, and the filesize
(so I can let you know when’s a good time to send it)

What the article is about
(ie, which game it’s about and is it a walkthrough, review etc)

Once we’ve arranged when you should send the file, don’t forget to include your name/alias, so it can be credited to you!

And now, before I go and get on with more additions to the site, I’d like to make a plea to all Brazilian viewers out there… I’m desperately looking for the TecToy releases of Shining Force and Shining Force II, complete with box and manual. If anyone out there is able to help, or is willing to sell theirs, please do let me know!

That’s all for now, more updates soon!

Lots of script updates!

Lots of script updates!

A big thank you to Rune for supplying the US Shining the Holy Ark game script. I’ve worked on it most of today and have put it into the SFC layout with character portraits etc. It’s now available here at SFC, or if you want a text-only version, check it out at Rune’s Shining the Holy Ark site.
Another thank you goes to karachiking for finishing putting the last chapter and epilogue of Shining Force III Scenario 1 into the SFC layout. Those are online now too 🙂 I intend to split the Scenario 1 script into more managable sections shortly.

In addition to working on adding the Scenario 2 script (thanks to karachiking and Jameth for their help with this), I’ll be adding the European version script for Shining the Holy Ark shortly too – thanks to Silender for supplying this. Note that the sections may be divided differently than Rune’s, but it will still be great to be able to compare the scripts for differences. Oh, and at some point I’ll add the Final Conflict translated script to SFC, though that’s not urgent as it’s already on my Final Conflict site.

If anyone out there has or is able to type up the English scripts for the following games, it would be most appreciated… full credit will of course be given!

  • Shining in the Darkness
  • Shining Force
  • Shining Wisdom

I already have the Shining Force II script (thanks Lineage!) and will continue work on adding it as soon as I can.

When the Scenario 2 Chapter 5 script goes online you may notice that the first section (and perhaps others) hasn’t been fully translated, and make little sense. It would be great if someone out there who’s fluent in reading Japanese and has some spare time to help out could drop me a line to discuss a possible re-translation of this section. It would also be great if someone could translate the (minimal) text in Shining Soul, though this isn’t urgent, it’s not certain yet that the game will see an English release.

Right, now I’ve got to go and prepare for tomorrow’s SFC update, after which, if I have time, I’ll try to get some more of the Scenario 2 script online. Watch this space!

Lots more scripts!

Lots more scripts!

A huge thank you to karachiking for taking the time to put Chapters 4 & 5 of the Shining Force III Scenario 1 script into the SFC layout. What a lovely surprise that was! He’s also working on Chapter 6 at the moment, and will then be working on Chapter 5 of Scenario 2, while Jameth works on Chapter 6 of Scenario 2 (thanks!!), and I take on Chapter 4.

Expect more of the scripts online very soon 🙂

Regular Update

Regular Update

First of all, I’d like to apologise for the lack of a comic strip last fortnight, and the fact that I didn’t get the chance to add one at any point. Well, there’s one for you this time, and I’m prepping some in advance ready for future updates 🙂
So, this fortnight as usual there’s a new MP3, new comic strip and a new poll for you to enjoy. And, as if that’s not enough, there’s also a new section of the Shining Force III Scenario 3 translation. I was hoping to work on more sections of the Scenario 2 script this week, but I’ve just been given a pretty heavy workload by a client, so I can’t promise anything on that front. Just as I was beginning work on the SFC redesign too 🙁

Speaking of the redesign, I’ve got some great new additions for the site, though it could be a couple of months before everything’s ready and online. It’ll be worth the wait. If there’s something you’d like to see added to SFC, please let me know.

Oh, don’t forget you’ve only got a couple more weeks in which to enter the contest! Still not many entries, despite the fact it’s been open for 6 weeks now… so, you stand a better chance than you may have thought, with so little competition! If I don’t receive enough entries, the contest will go on for another month, and I’ll just have to nag you some more to enter 😉 😛

I need to update the merchandise section and also my collection, as I’ve recently aquired some new items, and my friend Cheesemaster was lucky enough to win a “Jogurt’s Little Box” from Sega (only 100 in existance!), so I have some pictures of that to add. If anyone reading this was lucky enough to win one too, I’m eager to get hold of one for my collection… so if you’re willing to sell, drop me a line!

‘One Thing Shining’ Launches!

‘One Thing Shining’ Launches!

Great news for Shining fans today!

For many years the online Shining Community has been lacking in one area in particular. Today, that area has been filled by “One Thing Shining”. Two members of the SFC forums, SilverShadow and raevynlocks have spent a lot of time and effort to bring us the web’s first and only exceptional guide to Shining Wisdom. One Thing Shining already covers many aspects of the game in great detail, and will become an exhaustive guide as SilverShadow and raevynlocks continue to work on it.

The site is easy to navigate, quick to load and includes a great selection of pictures too. Well, what are you still doing here? Go visit OTS!

Regular update, contest continues…

Regular update, contest continues…

A rather minimal update today, I’m afraid. Due to a large workload, I haven’t had time to do a comic strip, so I’ll try to do that tomorrow. Also, there were insufficient contest entries last month, so the June contest has been extended for another month. I look forward to reading your entries!

Meanwhile, there’s a new MP3 for you to download and a new poll. I’m hoping to get some more scripts online tomorrow (including some of the Shining the Holy Ark script, and another section of Scenario 3 translation).