Shining Soul II – Japanese Release Date!

Shining Soul II – Japanese Release Date!

Sega Japan today announced that their forthcoming title, Shining Soul II, will be released on July 3rd of this year. The retail price is listed as 5,980 yen, which is around US$50.

The game is not yet listed on the Sega Direct site, and so it is unknown whether this game will also include a special gift for those who pre-order it. Meanwhile, Sega Direct have almost halved the price of the original Shining Soul from 5,800 yen to just 2,980 yen, perhaps in a bid to increase interest in the series.

Shining Soul released in UK!

Shining Soul released in UK!

Well, although some shops across the country have been selling Shining Soul for the last few weeks, today is it’s official release, and somehow it’s managed to top the charts at Gameplay! What I’m looking forward to is being able to go into a games shop and seeing a shelf full of Shining games again… it’s been too long!

Regular Update

Regular Update

As usual, we have a new Comic Strip (thanks Rusty, 500G on the way to your forum account!); new MP3 and a new Poll. The old ones have of course been archived, along with last month’s news. In addition, the winner of February’s contest has been announced, and the March contest is now open, good luck!

Today I’ve managed to get organised, and have updated the ‘Games Similar to Shining Force’ page, as well as the Fanart (SF, SFII, SFIII & SS fanart added).

Nothing else to report at present, though I would like to point out – for those of you who’ve seen the ‘E3 List’ at GameFront – that the rumour of a Camelot/Sega RPG for GameCube is very unlikely to be true, and the list does show that it is unconfirmed. That site has been known to give inaccurate information in the past, and since nothing of it has been mentioned at any larger gaming sites, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you 😉 I have, however, done my part and contacted Taguchi-sama to see if he can clear the issue up. It has also been rumoured that Shining Soul II will be on display at E3… I can’t confirm or disprove this, and to me it seems quite likely this will happen.