More Scenario 3 Script

More Scenario 3 Script

More thanks are due to Magnus Andersson for the two new sections in the Scenario 3 Script – Chapter 4:5 and 5:1. Excellent work as usual! Apparently section 1 of Chapter 5 (Maya Village) is very long, and as such only a part of it is currently available, while the rest is being translated. Nonetheless, a lot of reading for us all 😉 Thanks again, Magnus!

On an unrelated note, due to how busy I’m going to be in these last couple of weeks before Christmas, I’ve decided I’ll not start a new contest until the New Year. Sorry about that!

Regular Update

Regular Update

A little delayed, but worth the wait I hope you’ll agree – we have a new MP3, new Poll & the Christmas Contest 2003 has finally been launched! Good luck! 😀

Currently working on a new Comic Strip, and considering making a new Christmas Comic series for this year – hence the poll 😉

In a bit of off-site news, Olivier’s Shining MP3 site has recently been updated to include in-game MP3s from Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining Force CD (all courtesy of SFC forum-goer Grom, nice work dude!) and the Shining Force III Premium Disc.

Scenario Scripts & Summaries

Scenario Scripts & Summaries

While the forums were down, DamonD was hard at work… he’s revised his chapter summaries for Shining Force III Scenario 2 up to Chapter 5, and also revised, retranslated and added to much of the Scenario 2 script, again up to Chapter 5. Great work Damon!

I will endeavour to get the Christmas contest started tomorrow, and get some regular updates done 🙂

Regular Update

Regular Update

New MP3, new poll and, most important – the Christmas Contest winners have been announced!

On top of those usual bits, we also have some new sections in Chapter 4 of the Scenario 3 Script, courtesy once again of Magnus Andersson. Great stuff!
Not quite as much ready for today as I’d hoped, but in the next week I’ll be adding some more, including: new merchandise; updating my collection and more magazine articles. Will also get the new contest online ASAP 🙂

It seems I’ll be disappointing a lot of you this year, as I’m afraid I’ve not had time to put a Christmas Comic series together, however I do have the entire story planned and will work on it throughout this year to put up for Christmas 2004!

Also, expect to see a major update to my Shining Force Guide in the next few months, as well as the addition of a new site dedicated to Shining Soul II (which I’d like to get online in advance of the planned US release :)).

Atlus announces Shining Soul II Release Date!

Atlus announces Shining Soul II Release Date!

Indeed, folks, Atlus USA have just made an announcement about Shining Soul II’s US release – not news to me, though it does confirm the deadline I’ll be working to for getting my guide ready and online 😉 – it should be in stores in Feburary 2004, though as with the original, don’t be surprised if it does get a little delayed at the last minute. March wouldn’t be an unrealistic estimate at this time.

More info on Atlus’ Shining Soul II info page, here, including some screenshots I don’t doubt the major gaming sites will post as the ‘first shots’, despite SFC having posted preview shots 3 whole weeks ago 😉

Guess I should get a move on with my guide for this awesome game then 😀