New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

New Fanart, Collectables, Midi & FAQ!

More fanart...

I’d hoped to get a little more than this done today, but I’ll try to get the rest done tomorrow (Links Directory update & addition of several dozen video clips!)…

Today we have 3 excellent new pieces of fanart – one in the Shining Force section and the other two in the Shining Force II section.

We’ve got a fantastic new midi of Darksol’s Theme from Shining Force, called ‘Demon Breath’, and a brand new FAQ for the Shining Force Remake written by one of our members.

On top of that, there have been a lot of new collectables added to the site, primarily for Shining Tears – some very nice items there, a shame they are selling for such high prices at the moment!

More updates tomorrow – perhaps even a new comic and a new poll – watch this space!

Shining Tears TV Commercial Videos

Shining Tears TV Commercial Videos

Shining Tears TV Commercial Video

Shining Tears Limited Edition Phonecard

Sega Japan today updated their Shining Tears site with two short TV commercials for Shining Tears.

At 15 seconds each, and in low quality they obviously won’t take long to stream, but sadly this also means it’s difficult to make out what’s being shown. The first concentrates on gameplay footage, while the second shows clips from the anime video shown at TGS. The game’s themesong can be heard in the background of each. I like it 🙂

While I was there, I also noticed an SF Remake video, which I’d obviously missed during the redesign.

Sadly I cannot download the videos (since they are streamed) to add to the SFC video archive, but a kind site visitor has provided me with several dozen Shining video clips to add, which I will be doing this week. I also have more fanart, links and FAQs to add – great stuff, keep those submissions coming!

Finally, Gamefront reported at the weekend that according to Famitsu, Shining Tears is number 18 on their readers’ Most Wanted lists, just below Fire Emblem and above Driv3r. Seems the whole of Japan is looking forward to this as much as we are! 😀

Meanwhile, yet more promotional merchandise has become available in the form of limited edition ST phonecards (200 produced – these are selling for in excess of US$40 at the moment, often more); Shining Tears bags (well more like pencil cases) and all the usual posters, cut-outs etc. I’ll be adding those to the collectables section ASAP.

Less than a month until the game is released – time to order a PStwo and investigate region modding it, methinks! Any tips?!

High Quality Shining Tears Video!

High Quality Shining Tears Video!

Gamefront today reported that Sega have released a new Shining Tears video. Well, not quite new, but it’s certainly nice – the first video shown at TGS was quite jerky when viewed at IGN etc, due to it being filmed on a handycam from a TV screen!

So, now you can see the footage in all its glory! I must say, I’m rather keen on the music – reminds me of a cross between Shining the Holy Ark & Shining Soul II, somehow. Very nice indeed!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go stream the movie