Time to quit… or at least, cut down!

Time to quit… or at least, cut down!

No, I’m not quitting on SFC 😉 Don’t you worry about that, I’ll be around doing this for a good while yet.

But, in order to stick to this decision I’ve made, I’ve got to make it publically… then you can all help me hold to it 😉 *lol*

As you probably know, over the years I’ve spent a lot of time and money gathering Shining goodies to add to my collection, scan, share with fans, give as prizes etc. A month or so ago I sent off payment to my good friend Rei for a bunch of items from Japan, totalling around UK£300 (US$600). There are more on the way, and another bill of course… Now, this is of course no gripe at Rei, in fact I owe him huge thanks for all his help over the years in getting me this stuff, and asking very little in return – favours only, never extra money. Thanks so much, my good friend 😀

Having moved from the flat to our house earlier in the year, our budget took a major dive, with the mortgage doubling, along with extra taxes, higher bills and so on. We’ve also had to do a lot to the house, and still have more to go. I’ll never save up for a new kitchen if I keep going with Shining stuff at this rate… it’s actually quite a tough call as to which I’d prefer 😉

However, the nearer the release of Shining Force NEO draws, the more I find my heart sinks as I realise there’ll be more things to collect. It’s been bad enough with all the Shining Tears stuff I’ll never afford and so many I’ll never even find (signed stuff, one-offs etc). I looked on Yahoo! Japan the other day and found a set of promotional fliers/posters for SF NEO, and for the first time I honestly thought ‘I really don’t want to have to get these…’ – everything I’ve seen and heard about the game sickens me that much. I don’t want posters of those damn eyebrows everywhere! I know, it may yet turn out to be a fantastic game, unlikely though it is… but I think I need to draw the line at Shining Tears, as far as collecting goes. I’ll still pick up the new games, and books to scan if I can afford them, a few bits and pieces as contest prizes… but the collecting has to stop somewhere. Odds and sods from earlier games may crop up, and I’ll try to get them if they’re within the budget. But, I can’t afford to go nuts on all this stuff anymore, much as the obsessive, stubborn part of me would like to. Hell, I’ve not been able to afford it for a long time, but still I got the stuff, hence the new kitchen fund is down to 0 again 😉 Huge lack of control on my part there, but anyone who knows me knows how obsessive I am about this stuff. I feel very fortunate that I can count on SFCers to help with the hosting costs each year, Zod knows I can’t afford it myself anymore.

Man, it’s tough having to put this decision in writing… part of me doesn’t want to stick to it, even though I hate the look of the new game.

There are a lot of things I know I’ll never get: the Yog figure, SFII Calendar, Signed PD, Tony hand-drawn illustrations, Gaiden II T-Shirt, and more. They’re just too rare. However, since I’m enjoying Shining Tears so much, I’d like to at least get a bit closer to completing my set of Shining Tears items… which means getting hold of a set of the phonecards. I’ve found one – at US$450! >.<;; US$100 I could probably get away with, due to a bit of extra work I had before Xmas... but that leaves me somewhat short. So, here's the cheeky bit... anyone want to help ol' Moogs top off her collection and put a big ol' smile on her face? If I can get some contributions in and manage to get the set before someone else snaps it up, I'd have a few spare items to offer to random contributors - a couple of A4 plastic files fearuring Elwing, a couple of promo DVDs and some limited edition memory card stickers. If I get donations, but not enough to buy the set, or someone beats me to it, the money would go towards the next hosting bill (which I'll have to put out another beg for anyway nearer the time, I'm sure). Yes, I know, I'm a cheeky cow. Anyhoo, anyone who's got some spare cash (any millionaires here?) can check out the Support page for more info on sending funds 😉 Figured I’ve got nothing to lose by asking 😆

Well, not sure if I’ll post anything else before the end of the year, so if not, here’s wishing you all a very happy new year. Don’t drink too much, keep safe. See you in 2005! I hope it’s better than last year…

Will try to get some decent updates done in January, once Lee’s back at work!

Shining Tears: Help is here!

Shining Tears: Help is here!

Just a very quick update to say that a chap named Yamikarasu at GameFAQs has put together a rather handy mini guide for Shining Tears, perfect for those of us with limited knowledge of Japanese. Nice work dude!

Check it out here.

New Shining Force Neo Info: Variable Arms

New Shining Force Neo Info: Variable Arms

Another update today on Sega Japan’s Shining Force Neo Site, in the System section.

Titled ‘Variable Arms’, the new section details the way in which different equipment (sword, axe, bow, staff, shield etc) may conceal special powers, and how the player can make their character more unique by customising these special powers.

It seems the equipment may have up to two (of almost 200) random special powers, and by attaching different powers to the same item, the efficiency of the player can be increased. The screenshot beside the info shows a Battle Tomahawk having the special power of (I think) 20% extra damage against harpies. Okay. Not only does the equipment have special powers, but also it can be modified further with other power boosts, allowing many possibilities. With two types of power to modify for each item, they hope the enjoyment will be even greater for the player. Right… but where are the tactical battles? 🙁 That’d be more enjoyable IMHO.

As in Shining Tears & the Soul series, unidentified items with unknown powers may be found in battle after killing monsters or by opening chests. These need to be identified before they can be equipped and their powers used/upgraded (by the blacksmith). No surprise there.

So, SF Neo would appear thus far to be a badly (okay, non-Shiningly) illustrated, 3D, more advanced version of Shining Tears. I’ll stick to Tears, methinks.

Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays, if that’s more apt for you).

Shining Force Neo Pre-order gift

Shining Force Neo Pre-order gift

Sega Japan have today updated their Shining Force Neo site to include brief details of a pre-order gift. Anyone ordering the game in advance from a shop will receive a bonus DVD with the game, subject to stock availability. The DVD contents will include a promo video as well as TV spots, and more.

There is also an update related to the music in the game, and I think, the release of a single. The names ‘Kawashima’ and ‘I WiSH’ are mentioned, probably singers/musicians… anyone know anything more about this? Babelfish was a bit muddled with this translation 😉

In case I don’t update again before, here’s wishing you all the merriest of Christmases!

La Pucelle: Tactics – Mini Review

La Pucelle: Tactics – Mini Review

…and I mean mini!

The game arrived today, and the ad campaign is already over >.<;; Nonetheless I can say from the little I've played today, it's pretty enjoyable. More complex than I expected, moreso than Shining Force. The graphics are very sweet, and the sound quite nice, but the battle system is where it excels. I particularly like that the characters are all given their commands and then perform most of them at the end of the turn, meaning that at any time up until that point, one can cancel their moves and re-do them before making a final decision to end the turn and perform the attacks. At less than thirty dollars, there's no doubt I'd give this game a try. I'm sure it'll appeal to a lot of Shining Force fans, as long as they're patient enough to get to grips with a few extras/variations in the battle style. After around an hour of playing I think I've got the hang of it, and now the training's over it's time to save some more interesting souls than bats and zombies 🙂 Check out La Pucelle: Tactics, here.

More SFGBA Script

More SFGBA Script

Just a quick update, as today is my last full day to myself before my other half and I enjoy a much needed break over Christmas 🙂 I’ll try to get updates done as needed over this period, but be aware that they’ll likely be few and far between.

This morning I’ve prepped another 3 chapters of the Shining Force GBA script as supplied by Trent, and added them to the script section. I’ll try to get the rest finished this afternoon if I get the time.

There are various other udpates on the way, but likely to be delayed due to Christmas. However, as promised at the SFC forums, in the spirit of Christmas generousity, I’ll be selecting an extra 3 winners for the Christmas contest, who will each receice a Shining Tears promotional leaflet.

Thanks to everyone for another great year here at SFC – the site continues to grow as does the community 😀 If you’re feeling the need for a bit of festived cheer, why not take a look at the old Christmas Comic from the gool ol’ days of 2001… maybe next year I’ll get around to another one 😉

More scripts, more scans!

More scripts, more scans!

A smaller update than I’d hoped to do, as I only have an hour until my other half gets home from work – so much for an afternoon of playing Shining Tears >.<;; I've had just enough time to get hapter 2 of the Shining Force: RotDD script up for y’all, courtesy of SFCer Trent 🙂

I’ve also scanned in the various bits and pieces from the Asian release of Shining Tears. If you’ve got the Japanese version, you might be interested in downloading the English instruction sheet from the Asian version – very handy when you’re starting out. You can find the scans in the Shining Tears Artwork & Covers section.

New contest & collectables (as well as more of the SF:RotDD script) should be up next week, sorry about the delay.

Now for a half hour of gaming 😉

New Shining Force PS2 info, Shining Tears Theme lyrics

New Shining Force PS2 info, Shining Tears Theme lyrics

Shining Force NeoLast night, and this morning I spent several hours typing up the Shining Tears theme song lyrics from the karaoke version, and cross-referencing the kanji to get it all right. Now we can all enjoy a good ol’ sing along 🙂 I’ll try to translate the lyrics soon, it shouldn’t take long as the song is only short.

Anyway, that’s the least of the news. I was quite surprised when I dropped by Sega Japan’s Shining Force PS2 site this morning, as they’ve overhauled the entire thing (wasn’t like it last night!)… the game is to be called Shining Force Neo… er… I’m still reserving judgement, though it’s hard to imagine this game’ll be much good. Maybe I’m just annoyed that it’s being called a Force game when it’s clearly not. Also, it was recently announced in Famitsu that the game will be released on March 24th 2005 in Japan – thanks to SFCer Three of Nineteen for posting this info, which is now confirmed on the new Shining Force Neo site.

Right, back to talking about the new Shining Force Neo site (guess I need to update it’s name here at SFC, as it’s not Shining Force PS2 anymore!). I’m not sure I’m keen on the name, as it implies this is going to be the way forward for Force titles… let’s hope not!

I’ve not been able to make much sense of the info Babelfish has spewed out for me, but I’ve been able to ascertain that the battles are indeed in realtime: “The battle system which operates the character in real time and keeps annihilating the many enemy” (this is under the title “Action Game”, doens’t bode well, eh?). There is also some kind of multiplayer mode. The site explains a little about how weapon choice is important to the progress of the game, and some of the pictures on the battle system page disturb me greatly – what’s with that massive sword?! Why can the hero equip swords, bows(!) More importantly though, how does this in any way resemble a Shining game more than generic RPG? I know graphics don’t make a game, but this is as un-Shiny as a very un-Shiny thing, and the gameplay doesn’t seem from the description to be anything special. The first two pictures show Max using different kinds of swords – the lighter variety allow him to equip a shield too, while the heavy one (guess which one that is!) slows him down and doesn’t allow for a shield in defence. The third pic shows him attacking from a distance using a bow and arrows (which are, apparently, unlimited), and the last picture shows him as a magic user. Magic is said to outweigh all weapons in terms of range and strength, but is of course limited by MP. I can’t quite understand what the section below is talking about, but it refers to a ‘Monster Gate’, and somehow this adds tactical aspects to the gameplay. Or something.

The main system page has an overview of the game flow, it seems you’ll start off at HQ, where you select two companions to fight with (though at times there may be more than two, temporarily), and then go to prepare for battle by purchasing items and strengthening equipment (much like Shining Tears here, I’m guessing). The party then goes out to battle, kills the enemies and then (I think) finds/destroys the monster gate, after which the area is considered clear and the team returns to HQ. So, it’s like Shining Tears, but doesn’t look as nice and allows one extra character? It’s gonna take far more than that to convince me that this game is worthy of the Force title, be it Neo or not!

Another page talks about the ‘Force Frame’, an accessory (or something like that) which is used to bring about the power of ‘Force Art’. It has something to do with levelling up, it would seem, as levelling up alone is apparently not enough to become strong enough to defeat the enemies later on – one needs to develop one’s ‘Force Art’ (whatever it is all about) more to become a really strong fighter. From the screenshots on the page, it looks to me like some kind of Skills List, a bit like in the Soul/Tears games.

If anyone can translate the info on this page, it would be much appreciated, as it is something about the world and setting of Shining Force Neo. The screenshots look way to realistic for my liking, but I suppose it has to match those awful ‘realistic’ characters (Ugh! Where are the dumpy little sprites I’ve loved so dearly?!). Likewise, this page has a story prologue, and would be nice to have translated: any volunteers? 🙂

There’s now a characters page on the site too, in much the same format as on the Shining Tears site. Some of the characters’ details haven’t been added yet – they must be special characters. What on Earth is with those eyebrows though?! We do now, however, have the official ‘translated’ names of the characters, along with their races, some vital stats and voice samples etc. So, that poor excuse for a Kyantol is officially called Chiquitita, the Wolfling is Baron, the angry looking chap is named Rhinos and is in fact a Titan, the male centaur is Graham and the female is Mariel, the winged chap is named Klein (and is apparently a Birdling although his only birdlike traits are his wings) and the female ‘Birdling’ is Freyia (given her flame weapon, I would have thought Flare would be more apt…). The robot (Guardian class) is named Adam and bears a similarity to our ol’ SF1 Adam with that floaty head, the little Dragon is called Dryu and his voice is so sickeningly cutesy I can’t stand it (this will almost certainly haunt me forever), the little girl is Meryl, we already know the awful looking ginger chap with the eyebrows is apparently ‘Max’ (I really hope he’s not meant to be the original Max)… his voice is as annoying as his appearance, the big bloke with the eyebrows is called Gaia, and the mysterious man in red armour is called The Man of a Mask. Well isn’t that all just lovely? Sorry, I know, I should try to be more postive about this, but nothing about the game so far looks any good to me… except the anime clip (but even that includes some questionable matter, IMHO).

Although the FAQ and Download pages aren’t available yet (I’m sure they will be soon), there is a brief page about the staff for the game. Apparently Tamaki-san is working on the enemy design again, which is hopefully a good thing. The character designer is Nishiyama, a French-born artist who is responsible for mangas such as Harlem Beat and Dragon Voice. I can’t say I’m at all keen on his style here, and it certainly doesn’t seem as though it could mesh very well with Tamaki’s work. The story scenario is devised by a chap named Wachi, the sound by Sagisu who was apparently behind the music of the Evangelion movies and of course Shining Tears (ah, at last another good thing about the game!), and the anime sequences are by a company called Studio 4Â?c, who it says were involved with The Animatrix.

So, that’s it for the new Shining Force Neo site. Meh, I’m not convinced. In short, I’ve never looked forward to a Shining game less… but I’m still trying to reserve judgement until I play it.

Finally, over the next couple hour or so, I plan to add some more cover scans, Shining Tears collectables, a new contest and more of the Shining Force: RotDD script… watch this space. I’ll do as much as I can, but I promised myself some gaming time this afternoon, as it’s seldom I get more than a half hour playing time (and even those are few and far between) 🙁

First, I’d best go check Yahoo! Japan, and see if the site overhaul coincides with the release of SF Neo promo items.

Take a look at the Neo site, and see what you make of it. Maybe someone out there will like the game…

New magazine scans, fanart, scripts, comic & poll!

New magazine scans, fanart, scripts, comic & poll!

Well, that title just about sums it all up – a whole bunch of updates today, and perhaps more to come.

Big thanks to SFCer, GreatGen, for providing a huge amount of magazine article scans, for the various Saturn Shinings. Be sure to check them out, there are previews, reviews, tips and more!

Also today we have our second piece of Shining Tears fanart, sent in by SFCer RPG Wolf (yup, you guessed it – Wolfgang, owner of some of the best Shining sites on the web!) on behalf of his very talented daughter it seems.

We’ve also got a new comic (about time too, I know – I’ve really got to try to keep on top of this stuff), courtesy of Ivanhoe of the SFC forums – nice one, dude 🙂

Slightly less exciting, I’ve added a new poll – yet another thing I need to try to keep on top of. If only I had more free time >.<;; And last, but certainly by no means least, we all owe Trent (former SFC moderator) a big thank you, for typing up the SF: RotDD script. Unfortunately I’ve only so far had the time to add a couple of sections, but I didn’t want his hard work to go to wait around long so I thought I’d get them up right away. Expect the rest within the next week. I’ll try to add more this afternoon, but having had very little time to myself this week, I’d rather like to play a bit more Shining Tears 😉 After all, I’ve got to review it sometime soon. I think I’ve still got to write a full review for RotDD too… the work of the G.o.a.t.S. seems neverending!

I’ve also got a bunch more collectables to add to the site, as well as a Chronology update on the way and some new links to add.

For now, it’s time for a bit of lunch, and time to put the washing out before the weather turns! Enjoy the updates, and keep your submissions coming…

Oh, and watch out for the results of the SFC Christmas Contest – coming early next week! 😀

PS2 RPG price drop – La Pucelle: Tactics

PS2 RPG price drop – La Pucelle: Tactics

As some of you may be aware, I was recently approached by a company wanting to promote a new PS2 RPG at SFC. In exchange I got a review copy of the game. I’ve now been asked to review La Pucelle: Tactics, a more Shining-style RPG… so who was I to refuse? That and the fact that I stand to make a lil’ bit of money from the banners makes this a good opportunity for SFC. After discussing it with forum goers, I decided to go ahead, so here’s the banner.

La Pucelle: Tactics comes from the makers of the much-acclaimed Disgaea series – based on that, and the video on the website, I’m sure this game will be quite enjoyable. It’s been reduced in price to just US$29.99, right in time for the holidays… so if it’s worthwhile, I’ll let you know and you can snap it up while you have time to play over the Christmas break.