Various newsy things

Various newsy things

Hi all, and belated New Year Greetings!

Just a little update to show that this place isn’t dead 😉

I’m still working on the new site CMS and hope to have it ready in time for the site’s anniversary on May 5th, but with real life commitments I can’t make any promises. At least you know it’s moving along, if slowly.

In other news, Shining Force: Feather comes out in Japan in exactly one month and it’s looking really quite exciting. I shall be getting my pre-order in ASAP and no doubt a lot of you will want to do the same! I can recommend for your orders and indeed if you order SF: Feather through them a small percentage will be paid in commission to SFC. Huzzah! Supporting your fave series & site, what could be better? 🙂

Finally, for those of you who hadn’t yet heard, a Brazillian chap going by the name of Renatobs at the forums has been developing his own remake of Shining Force II for the DS and from the videos & images posted it’s looking amazing! I’ll be receiving a demo version from him soon to offer a bit of a preview here so keep your eyes peeled. Unfortunately his DS was stolen recently and in order to properly continue development he needs to buy a new one. Anyone interested in helping him fund the new DS should visit his topic here for more information.

That’s all for now folks – back to the grindstone!

Keep on Shining 😀