New forums added… because Shining Force Feather deserves one!

New forums added… because Shining Force Feather deserves one!

Having finally gotten a chance to play Shining Force Feather I must say I am impressed. It’s been a long time since a Shining game has had me so eager to come back and play more, and the music keeps playing in my head at night. When I can’t sleep at night I find myself reaching for the DS. Such is the joy of Feather!

Although it’s a little tricky to get into considering that it is in Japanese and doesn’t use the classic 4-point menu system which made the original games so easy to pick up and play, and despite the fact that it doesn’t look very Shiny at first glance it really is a game worthy of the Force title.

Battle tactics are now more fun than ever with the ability to control the way you attack in order to score multiple hits against an enemy. I love the way movement now works and although at first I didn’t like not being able to attack with no Force Points, it does add another element of strategy to the game – you can’t just pile in, sometimes you’ll need to retreat a little and regroup. Combination attacks with other characters are great fun and make me think that in future games this sort of thing could be combined with the old SFIII Friendship System to create an even more amazing way to attack.

I really am loving this game, and recommend you give it a go – I’m enjoying it so much I had to create a forum for it even though I’ve been so slack as an Admin for the last few years. Of course this meant I had to set up forums for other recent Shining titles, perhaps less derserving of their own forums IMHO… but at least it’s cleared some clutter from ATS 😉

Sadly, no English release has been confirmed as yet but I have contacted a chap I used to be in touch with at SoA in the hope he can provide some more information.

Meanwhile, Play-Asia now have the game in stock and are shipping them out. You can order it through this link and make a little bit of money for SFC from your purchase 😉

Shining Force: Feather released today!

Shining Force: Feather released today!

Today saw the release of Shining Force: Feather in Japan, and I must say I’ve been quite excited about it.

Unfortunately I have yet to be able to play it as due to the ongoing difficulties with selling my house (and thereby being able to close the previous chapter of my life once and for all… 2 years after it technically finished) I’ve not been able to spare the money to order a copy 🙁

Today also marks 2 years since my new life without Lee first began and I think it’s quite fitting that on this day the Shining series may be starting its new life too 🙂

I’ve been trying to get a *cough*ROM*cough* of the game working on my DS as a stopgap until I can afford to buy it for myself but my n5 cart doesn’t seem to want to play it – some problem with not being able to save I think it says. Not sure, it’s in Japanese 😉 If anyone can offer any advice on this I would be most grateful as until my house sale goes through I cannot be spending US$50 on myself.

Alternatively if just 15 of you order the game through this link to Play Asia, I will have enough credit with them to buy the game from my affiliate earnings. Or does anyone fancy buying it for me? Early birthday present? Late Christmas present? ‘We love you Moogie’ present?! 😉 lol. Doesn’t hurt to try, eh?

Anyway, while I’m here I may as well mention that I am still working hard on the new SFC CMS in all the spare time I have and I believe I have now broken the back of it. Really hope to have this ready for the site’s anniversary at the start of May, but no promises. Actual work has kept me pretty busy of late which is good because I’ll have to pay off my solicitor bill soon as well as continuing to pay the mortgage while the house sits empty. Nightmare.

Er… yes, anyway, SF:Feather. Buy it! It’s looking great 🙂