Well folks, it’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s well beyond that time of year. Normally I’d’ve started this beg months ago.
You see, several months ago I was contacted by a kindly fellow who volunteered to pay for the next year of hosting when it was due. I had no reason to doubt this fellow, having stayed in contact by email & mobile phone and he also bought me SF:Feather as a thank you for my work on the site. I don’t know what’s happened, but having tried to reach him several times in the last month or so I’ve had no response. Although I don’t think it was his intention to let us down, I find myself with no choice now but to launch a beg. I’ve planned on moving the site to a new host since Smoove have not been up to their former high standards of late and now I have only a week left in which to pick the host (which will now be solely based on how much money I can raise – I have a choice of two hosts), transfer the entire site over and get it up and running. I’d hoped to have an extra month to trial the new host first and ensure it’s the right place for SFC. If I raise sufficient I will try to do this by staying with Smoove an extra month while running the forums on the new host.
Over the last year I’ve been working hard on the SFC CMS in all the spare time I can find, and it is certainly coming along well. I’d like to think that over Christmas (when there’s not much fishing to be had!) I’ll be able to finish it off, but in reality the project may take longer if it’s to be able to do everything I hope. Once it’s finished, selected site members will be able to update areas of the main site, keeping the content fresh like it always used to be. I’ve also planned out the new site design as many of you at the forums will have seen. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the draft (note I plan on implementing a colour selector of sorts