Well, this is certainly a busy time for SFC! There’s so much going on with Sega and the Shining series right now, I think I’d be best to stop sleeping for a few weeks just to that I can try to keep on top of everything! Anyway, on with the news!
An article posted at GameSpot yesterday (thanks to Chris who also emailed me about this one) desribes some of Sega’s plans for it’s future multiplatform titles. Perhaps the most interesting line is the following:
“The vintage software plan would focus on content created from revisiting established Sega franchises, Phantasy Star Online was held up as an example of how the approach would work out. Space Harrier, Nights, D, Enemy Zero, and the Shining Force series (Kayama noted the recently announced Shining Soul for GBA was a step in that direction).”
So, we were right! There’s more Shining games in the pipeline – Shining Soul is partially to “test the water” and will lead on to more Shining games. Woohoo! Can things possibly get any better?!
Other articles about Sega’s revelations at the Tokyo Games Show imply that they are really making use of the Game Boy Advance to GameCube linking system… perhaps we’ll see a way to link Shining Soul up to the next Shining Force title… which I’m sure will be on the GameCube… only time will tell!