Shining Game Scripts

Shining Game Scripts

Thanks to shinsachiel, the first three chapters of the Shining Force III Scenario 1 script are now available here at SFC 🙂 To recap, here are the links to the scripts currently available (I hope to get these organised properly into the site soon!).

Shining Force CD Script
Shining Force II Script
Shining Force III Scenario 1 Script
Shining Force III Scenario 3 Script

More soon 😉 Also, I’m compiling all the credits from the games to add at some point in the future, and I’m also planning to add pages listing the original Japanese names of all the characters. So much to do, so little time!

Also, some bad news 🙁 Although my friend Dragon was able to offer me hosting for the Shining ROMs and the MP3 of the Fortnight, his host is closing down, and so Dragon is unable to host them anymore. If anyone has any ROM-friendly webspace that they are able to offer (and approximately 3-4GB of bandwidth per month), please drop me an email. I don’t want to have to stop offering these downloads, but I may be forced to.

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