New Contest/Sega Announcement

New Contest/Sega Announcement

Well, it’s a little later than it should have been, but the June Contest has now been launched, and the winner of the May contest has been announced.
I should have time next week to work more on SFC’s content, in particular the game scripts 🙂 I’ll work hard to make up for the lack of updates recently.

Oh, BTW – since I was in a hurry to update when I found out about the new Shining game, I forgot to include any links to evidence! Well, this is the only one you’ll need:

Sega’s Annual Meeting

Just watch the video there, it’s got an English translation voice-over on it… about 45 minutes into the video you’ll hear them saying that they already have plans/are developing new games in certain series’… and they list Shining Force 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what feedback they have about the campaign pack I sent them last week! I think it was timed pretty much perfectly!

Anyway, more updates after the weekend.

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