More stuff already!

More stuff already!

Though the new site has only been online for a few days, I’ve already received a number of new additions!

  • New Magazine Article scans for Shining Force II, Shining Wisdom, Shining the Holy Ark and Shining Force III
  • Two new Shining Force midi files
  • Some more games Similar to Shining Force
  • More places to buy Shining goods

Also, the DarkswordS have created a lovely picture, dedicated to the new SFC! Take a look at it, here.

The SFC Forums are now redesigned too, to match with the new SFC colour scheme. I’ve also created a set of Shining emoticons, based on Domingo, Jogurt and Kiwi. Why not drop by and take a look?

I should probably update my collection page sometime, as I’ve received a couple of books recently… but I’m expecting several more items in the coming weeks, so I’ll probably wait until then and do a big update.

There are a few pieces of fanart to be added to the site, but I’ll wait until there’s a larger batch of them before putting them up.

That’s about all for now 😉

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