Jogurt Plushie – New Pictures!

Jogurt Plushie – New Pictures!

Jogurt Plushie - even cuter than the original design! Remember the Jogurt Plushie I posted about, a week or so ago? Well, Sega Direct have put up some new pictures of it, and I must say this one looks even more cute (check out his feet!!)! Unfortunately, I have had no luck in trying to arrange a freebie as a contest prize 🙁 And it looks like there isn’t enough interest for me to pick up a batch to sell on through SFC.

I had, however, been planning on making Jogurt plushies for quite some time… so perhaps I should get a move on with mine (if the fabric isn’t too dusty by now ;)) and use those as prizes instead. Not official, true, but hopefully they’ll be pretty cool.

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