Just a quick update today. Sorry updates have been few and far between of late, but as the SFC Forum-goers among you probably know, I’ve been busy adding a lot to the forum system.
So, today we just have the regulars… new poll, new MP3 and a new comic strip – courtesy of Tanthalas (thanks man, sorry I didn’t get a chance to put it up sooner!).
I hope to get a review of the European release of Shining Soul up by the end of the week. I played the demo copy of the game (on which I was unable to save, due to the special cart it’s on… I’ll post pics soon, though I have to return the demo cart to Inforgrames in a few days) until my GBA decided to switch itself off, despite being plugged into the mains O.o;; … so a big thanks to Aspartate, Mael and Prince Medion who rushed to my rescue with some save states that I could use to continue playing, via the ROM. Note that I do not encourage the piracy of readily-available games, and only resorted to using the ROM because I’d otherwise have to play through the majority of the game again (and probably risk my GBA turning itself off again anyway!).
Anyhoo, completed the game, first thoughts are still available at the Shining Soul forum here at SFC. In a nutshell, I enjoyed it more than the Japanese release, though it still becomes overly repetetive pretty quickly, and I’m sad to say that – despite being fairly true to the Japanese version – the translation is pretty dire – typos left right and centre, and poor English. I don’t know how well the other languages on it read, since I’m not fluent in any of them 🙁 Feedback is of course welcome.
Gotta go now, but will endeavour to update again soon!