Regular Update

Regular Update

As usual, we have a new MP3, new poll, new comic and finally the results of the July Contest. Both winners turned out to be members of the SFC Forums, so I’m very glad to know the Yogs will be going to good homes 🙂 A new contest has also begun!
If you wanted a Yog plushie, but didn’t win the contest, keep an eye on the updates here, as sometime in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be making a giant (40cm tall) Yog to sell on Ebay! Watch this space 😉 While I’m on the subject of selling, I do still have some Shining Force Gaiden Collector Cards for sale 🙂 Email me for details 🙂

I’ve also made a small update to the Emulation Information page, and was going to update the Chronology page, but I have some matters to attend to at the forums. Meanwhile, you might enjoy reading this topic, in which a new theory has been put forward!

In the coming days/weeks, these things should be updated/added:

  • Review of USA Shining Soul release

    – awaiting the arrival of my review copy!
  • Review of Japanese Shining Soul II release
    – have received my copy, but wanted to get some other updates done before trying it 😉
  • Shining Soul II production credits
    – when I complete the game, or when someone else completes it and translates them (I hear they’re in Kanji!)
  • More Scenario 2 (and possibly, Scenario 3) script translations
    – as soon as Beyd sends them through to me 🙂
  • ‘Where to Buy…’ page update
    – waiting a few more days, as I expect some Shining Soul II guidebooks to be available soon
  • More fan art
  • Updated Shining Chronology

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