Update coming tomorrow!

Update coming tomorrow!

Right, now my other half is back at work, I can get on with some site updates 🙂 Got several bits planned for tomorrow (had hoped to do them today, but ran out of time to finish them off), including the following:

  • Contest winner to be announced (sorry about the delay on this).
  • Christmas contest (with lots of cool prizes!) to begin early, so the prizes can hopefully be sent out pre-Christmas!
  • More translations to be added.
  • Collectables/collection pages to be updated.
  • Shining Soul USA cover scans etc to be added.
  • New poll, MP3 and (hopefully) comic!
  • News to be archived.
  • Forums to re-open!

I might even try to get some more SSII USA screenshots online 😉

Well, that oughta keep me pretty busy… but, if I get through all that and have some time to spare, maybe I’ll even start putting my SSII site together – the guide is coming along well 🙂

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