Reposted from January 17th, when the article had to be removed for reasons I can’t discuss 😉
I’ve been wanting to be able to tell you all this for almost a week now, but I had to keep quiet about it. Didn’t get a chance to update with this last night, due to all my real life stuff, so unfortunately no exclusive for SFC this time…
Our good friends at Atlus USA are localising the GBA Shining Force remake for a USA release, which is estimated to be in June of this year 🙂 I hope to be getting a preview copy from them shortly, and will post as much as I can about it should this happen 🙂 Wish me luck 😉 I must say, from the screenies on Atlus’ site, the game is looking sweeter than ever!
Since this article was first written, I have received a preview copy of the game, and hope to be including screenshots etc in the next day or so. I must say it’s looking fantastic! Pop along to the All Things Shining forum here at SFC for more info, as I’ll be trying to answer peoples’ questions about the game there, as I progress through it.
And for those of you who’ve been wondering how my man is doing – he now has a date for his transfer & surgery planned, at the start of next week. So, he should be home within 10-14 days if all goes well 🙂 Thanks for your support and understanding meanwhile. When he’s back at work (not sure when that will be), I’ll try to get a new contest etc up. For the time being, I hope you’ll understand when I say that’s something of a low priority for me!
More SFIII Scenario 3 translation sections coming in the next few days, courtesy once again of Magnus Andersson too – keep an eye out! Want to donate to help fund the translation? Scroll down…