A plea to SFC visitors!

A plea to SFC visitors!

Since Lee’s going to be home in a few minutes, I’d best make this last bit brief for now…

As we’re about to buy a new home, finances at the moment are a little uncertain and I don’t have much to spare right now. Unfortunately it is also coming up to the time for my yearly hosting renewal (has it been so long already? Doesn’t time fly as you get older!) … meaning I’m about to get a bill for US$300, which I don’t have at the moment. So, here comes the yearly beg for a bit of help from those who appreciate the site (and its lack of blatant/annoying advertising/pop ups etc 😉 ) … if you can donate a dollar, or whatever you can spare, via PayPal, it will help to keep this site running for another year. I know updates have been few and far between these last few months, but that is just due to the problems in real life recently, and as you may be able to tell from the updates over the last few days, things are back on track again 🙂

So, please dig as deep as you are able, and maybe I’ll be able to stop begging soon 😉 *lol* Thanks folks!

Here’s the donate button again!

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