Almost there :D

Almost there :D

…in two ways! Scheduled for release later this month (April 9th, it would seem) Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon is now up for pre-order at – so why not go pre-order it there, which gives a lil’ bit of comission to SFC (at no extra cost to you!). And while you’re at it, you could pick up Shining Soul II which is available to buy now – it should keep you busy at lest until the SF Remake reaches you 😉 The prices are great too!

Buy for £24.99
Buy for £22.49

The second “almost there” for today is regarding donations for SFC’s next year of hosting. Many thanks to all who have contributed so far – we are now just US$60 away from the target of US$300. So, if you’ve not donated yet but intend to, please go on ahead – and don’t forget I’ll be offering a Shining prize to a random contributor, once the target of US$300 has been reached 🙂

Here’s the donate button, yet again!

Help Keep SFC Online!

Want to support the site in some other way? Clicky-clicky!

Will post more SF Remake screenshots ASAP – though soon a lot of you will be playing it yourselves, no doubt! Enjoy 🙂

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