Another quick update – Lee had last week off work so didn’t get a chance to do any updates, and now he’s off work poorly, so yet again my SFC time is limited (hence I’m also behind on my emails, sorry if you’ve mailed and had no reply as yet)!
Just updating to say that we’re now just US$10 away from the US$300 target for hosting, so soon I shall be drawing a random contributor to receive a Shining prize 🙂 Wanna donate? Scroll down a bit…
Meanwhile, no idea why the SF Remake hasn’t hit the shops in the UK and Europe yet – THQ seem to be anything but helpful/responsive in my experience. No doubt it’ll be out soon, and believe me it’s worth the wait.
Don’t think that the last week has been entirely unproductive Shining-wise though! Lee, during his time off, has been further developing his Shining Force-style game creation engine, Tatakai and I’ve been developing a little game MOD for it, for testing purposes. Why not check out the latest developments at the Tatakai site, or become a tester (if you have the time to actually do some testing, rather than whining about the test-graphics 😛 ).
Finally, two things while I remember – no time to update the other links throughout the site at the moment, but…
The Shining Source has moved due to server loss, and is now on it’s way back.
…and… though still down, is likely to come back I understand. Meanwhile, an online archive/backup of this top SFIII site can be found at the WayBackMachine Internet Archive, here.
Here’s the donate button again!
Want to support the site in some other way? Clicky-clicky!