Shining Tears – high quality pics! Shining Force PS2 for preorder!

Shining Tears – high quality pics! Shining Force PS2 for preorder!

Shining Tears - click to enlarge - source:

Shining Tears - click to enlarge - source:

Our lovely sponsor, Lik-Sang have put up some reports about TGS, including two lovely quality screenshots from Shining Tears (see right – click to zoom).

Lik-Sang also now have Shining Force PS2 available for pre-order, at US$59.90 – click here to take a look! With free shipping worldwide, it is a deal not to be missed!

Also, according to Gamefront, the various videos of Shining Tears & Shining Force will be available on the bonus DVD which will come with Shining Tears in Japan. I will post the videos here at SFC when I receive the DVD!

Shining Tears Pre-order
Buy for US$59.90
Excited about Shining Tears? Why not pre-order from Lik-Sang?

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