It’s taken me a long time to get all these files uploaded, as there’s around half a gig of them! But, they’re finally here. Many thanks to Kyle Rich for supplying most of the videos, also to SFCers Raven and Cullsoft for their vids. We now have almost 100 videos spanning Shining Wisdom to Shining Tears! Why not take a look? Or, better yet, submit your own if you have some 🙂
I have, for the time being, omitted the recent IGN video clips, as I’m trying to arrange for permission to host the files. As Working Designs never replied to my request, I’ve included their SW demo video, but am happy to remove it should they ask – likewise for the other videos. Hopefully that won’t happen, and I’ll get permission 🙂
I’ve also uploaded full sets of high-resolution scans of all the Half Quarter Books – check the Shining Force CD, Final Conflict, Shining Wisdom and Scenario 3 artwork pages for these. The books are no longer available, so it doesn’t seem to be a problem to post the pictures for fans to enjoy 🙂 I also have high res scans of Works for Shining the Holy Ark, which is also now unavailable – I’ll try to upload these later in the week or next week.
And finally, for today, we have our first piece of Shining Soul II Fanart, courtesy of SFCer SilverSpoon – why not help SFC achieve another first by commenting on a piece of fanart (I coded the system people wanted, now no-one uses it 🙁 )? … or how about some Shining Tears or Shining Force PS2 Fanart – c’mon everbody, get creative 😀
Later this week, or next should this one end up too busy, I have a large amount of Shining Force III translated scripts to put up – many thanks to Magnus Andersson, whose continued work on this project has been much appreciated by all! We’ve also got the rest of the Shining Wisdom USA script, not to mention a whole bunch of links to be added to the directory.
I’ve also created a set of Shining Tears desktop wallpapers and E-greeting Cards, which I’ll try to get uploaded tomorrow for you all 🙂
Not much else I can think of at this point, so anything else will have to wait until tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy the vids and artwork 😀