High quality Shining Tears vids & more!

High quality Shining Tears vids & more!

Shining Tears goodies

This morning I receiced a rather nice parcel from Japan 🙂

No, not my Shining Tears DX set, but a selection of other items my friend Rei helped me to acquire from Japan 🙂 I’ve updated my collection and also added a couple of new items to the Shining Tears collectables section.

As you can see from the picture to the right, it was a good selection of items – amongst which is a DVD from TGS. The DVD contains the two promo movies shown at TGS in September, in lovely high quality 🙂 I have of course ripped and uploaded these for you to enjoy – check out the Shining Tears Videos section!

I was hoping to add a few more scans and the like today, but my father dropped by earlier with my newly-modded PS2 🙂 Unfortunately I’m not sure it’s working properly and without a PS2 import to check it with, I can’t be sure for a while without trying a backup to test it – so that’s what I’ll be toying with for the next hour. If it doesn’t work, I’m going to need to find somewhere in the UK which can fix it or re-chip it – if any of you know where such a place might be, please do contact me!

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