To whomever it is at the University of Manchester (user we056a at the Halls of Residence) that decided to waste 5 minutes of his or her life trying to throw the results of the most recent poll about half an hour ago – get a life :p Really, I mean – you’re at least 18, have you really not outgrown this kind of behaviour?
38 results all from the same IP within a few minutes of each other – and all for the negatice option which had so far had no votes? Gimme a break, I ain’t that stupid. I’ve now counted your vote as 1, as it rightly should be. I suggest you don’t try it again, I don’t want to have to block the entire of Manchester Uni from SFC 😉
Now, in Shining News – thanks go to SFCer Lindsay for posting the Shining Tears launch day sales figures, as posted originally at Gamefront. It seems Shining Tears did really quite well, with sales figures comparable to the latest GBA Zelda game and beating the new Dead or Alive title. As you can see from the figures below, it was almost a total sell-out!
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA, Nintendo)
58.000 St. [42% of stock sold]
2. Shining Tears (PS2, Sega)
53.000 St. [78% of stock sold]
3. Dead or Alive Ultimate (Xbox, Tecmo)
40.000 St. [72% of stock sold]
Great news indeed! …and with a little luck, my copy will be arriving in the next couple of days.