New movies for Shining Force Neo

New movies for Shining Force Neo

Two new movies have become available on Sega Japan’s Shining Force Neo website.

When I first saw the movies for Shining Tears, I cried with joy. When I watched these, I cried for what might have been. What’s happened to the good name of Shining Force?

Well, the anime clips look nice enough and the song isn’t too bad (though I prefer the ST Theme myself)… but the gameplay still looks as though it leaves a lot to be desired. Only a couple of months now and we can judge it ourselves I guess.

And what’s with that ‘chibi’ Max on the downloads page, eh? Something about him looks like a rather toffy pilot!

In more interesting news 😉 there’ll be an SFC update later today with more script sections, and new submissions from visitors. Also got some plans formulating in my head which I’ll try to write about later 🙂

First up, gotta get the housework out of the way 😉 TTFN!

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