Just a lil’ note to apologise for not being able to get the updates done today as planned – I got an email from my employer (I work from home on an as-and-when basis) and had to do a bunch of work for them today. Now I’ve only got a couple of hours before Lee gets home from work, so I need to finish up my housework and have a bit of time to wind down for the weekend.
I’ll try to get the stuff up on Monday or Tuesday 🙂 Right now, ironing beckons! Oh, and I’ve not forgotten that I promised to draw and extra few winners for the Christmas Contest, to receive a Shining Tears flier each – soon 😀 Unfortunately, the auction I was saving up for with all the Shining Tears phonecards and goodies (at US$450) got snapped up by someone else just when I was on the verge of having enough fundage for it 🙁 Ah well, can’t have it all I guess. If you happen to have a spare Mao phonecard you want to sell, drop me a line 😉