Oops! Fixed a problem ;)

Oops! Fixed a problem ;)

A few peeps had reported problems posting comments about fanart – it seems I’d made a mistake somewhere along the lines and set a field in the comments table to the wrong size. As a result of this, it wasn’t allowing numbers higher than 127, so any comments left for fanart with an ID higher than that was being set for 127 – I wondered why that one piece of fanart had so many comments, while others had none >.<;; Sorry about that - I've deleted the comments about that piece as I don't think most of them referred to it (it was a pic of Synbios, there were comments about Kazin & Sarah, amongst others). The system should be working fine now. I'm currently working on the SEE system, and it is going well - I'm finding more concise ways of coding it now I'm getting back into it. I've still got a lot of work to do, but then it should be plain sailing - just entering data 🙂 Well, a few more minutes on SEE now methinks, then I should get some dinner on! Shame really, I could just go for a Chinese right now, but I already planned a meal >.<;;

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