Today I’ve added a new contest and announced the winner of February’s contest.
Had a little time this morning, so put together a new comic – hope you like it 😉
In addition, I found today that Sega Europe have a means to contact them in which they guarantee a rapid response. As I’ve not received any information from them regarding Shining Tears in Europe, I thought I’d try asking this way. Unfortunately, the response wasn’t too encouraging. They say they have no information regarding Shining Tears being released for consoles in Europe – I guess they’re either keeping it under wraps, or waiting to see how the US release fares first. I made a point of mentioning I wouldn’t mind waiting for it, if it gave them the chance to fix the loading times issue. I’d like to encourage other SFCers from Europe to contact Sega Europe about Shining Tears, if you want to see it released in these parts. If it’s not already slated for a release, maybe a few enquiries about it will encourage them!
Nothing else to report at this time, but I hope to add some more entries to SEE in the next day or two. For now, it’s time to play a bit of Shining Tears 😀