Those of you who have played Shining Force Feather will know that it is the closest we’ve had to a ‘proper’ Shining Force game in long time. Unfortunately many of you will not have played it because it was only released in Japan.
Never fear, help is at hand!
SFCer & GBAtemp member StorMyu has been working on the ROM in order to be able to extract and insert text and has been making excellent progress. The Japanese script has been extracted and is ready for translation. Omega Entity from SFC has kindly offered to help with the translation, but there’s a lot of work to do and it would be fantastic to have more translators on board.
So, if your Japanese skills are up to it and you have a bit of free time, why not lend a hand to the project? Or maybe you know someone that would be able and willing to help? Let us know!
You can find out more from StorMyu’s post at GBATemp or post in his topic here at SFC in the SF: Feather forum. If we get a team of translators together, I will of course set up a dedicated forum for the project to aid with communication and organisation between the translators.
I for one can’t wait to replay Shining Force Feather – in English!