Once again, our thanks are due to Magnus Andersson for some new additions to the Scenario 3 Script – Chapter 5:1 (second half), 5:2 and the missing part of 5:3, less a few lines at the end which aren’t translated yet. Top stuff as usual, Magnus!
Author: Moogie
Maybe output games filters here?Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon?!
Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon?!
Time to start getting back into the swing of things after Christmas. Sorry I’ve not updated for a while, I’ve been hard at work on my Shining Soul II site!
Speaking of which, today Gamespot added an article which states the new Shining Force game for the GBA, rumoured some time ago to be in the pipeline from THQ, is to be called “Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon”, and released in Europe in April…
Excited? Don’t be just yet! The screenshots on the report are all from Shining Soul II, and the mention of a card collection system leads me to believe that THQ have simply renamed SSII for it’s Euro release, probably to avoid a sales flop like with the original Shining Soul 😉 I’m trying to get confirmation of this, but THQ’s UK site is currently down, so I can’t get their contact number. More news as I get it! Oddly chosen name though, since Dark Dragon isn’t even in Shining Soul II! So, perhaps there is something to this, afterall…
In other news… more Scenario 3 translation is on the way in the next few days, again courtesy of Magnus Andersson 🙂 Also, news of a Shining Booth at a convention in Taiwan… the booth is being run by our dear Aspartate (translator of much of the Japanese Shining Force III scripts) and Q.GAME (doujinshi artist, “Incomplete Finale” etc) and their site for the booth can be seen here. If you’re going to be in Taiwan on January 17th, I strongly recommend a visit to the convention – Asp and Q will have a large selection of Shining artwork and more in their exhibition, along with fan merchandise for purchase. Proceeds from the booth will be going towards travel expenses for me to go to the Shining Only convention in Japan with Asp and Q in a couple of months. We’ll also be selling some fan merchandise here at SFC to raise funds too.

We hope to provide coverage of both conventions here at SFC, and if we raise the money for me to go to Shining Only, you can be sure I’ll pick up some cool Shining treats from Japan for contest prizes here 🙂
More updates soon!
More Scenario 3 Script
More Scenario 3 Script
More thanks are due to Magnus Andersson for the two new sections in the Scenario 3 Script – Chapter 4:5 and 5:1. Excellent work as usual! Apparently section 1 of Chapter 5 (Maya Village) is very long, and as such only a part of it is currently available, while the rest is being translated. Nonetheless, a lot of reading for us all 😉 Thanks again, Magnus!
On an unrelated note, due to how busy I’m going to be in these last couple of weeks before Christmas, I’ve decided I’ll not start a new contest until the New Year. Sorry about that!
Regular Update
Regular Update
A little delayed, but worth the wait I hope you’ll agree – we have a new MP3, new Poll & the Christmas Contest 2003 has finally been launched! Good luck! 😀
Currently working on a new Comic Strip, and considering making a new Christmas Comic series for this year – hence the poll 😉
In a bit of off-site news, Olivier’s Shining MP3 site has recently been updated to include in-game MP3s from Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining Force CD (all courtesy of SFC forum-goer Grom, nice work dude!) and the Shining Force III Premium Disc.
Scenario Scripts & Summaries
Scenario Scripts & Summaries
While the forums were down, DamonD was hard at work… he’s revised his chapter summaries for Shining Force III Scenario 2 up to Chapter 5, and also revised, retranslated and added to much of the Scenario 2 script, again up to Chapter 5. Great work Damon!
I will endeavour to get the Christmas contest started tomorrow, and get some regular updates done 🙂
Regular Update
Regular Update
New MP3, new poll and, most important – the Christmas Contest winners have been announced!
On top of those usual bits, we also have some new sections in Chapter 4 of the Scenario 3 Script, courtesy once again of Magnus Andersson. Great stuff!
Not quite as much ready for today as I’d hoped, but in the next week I’ll be adding some more, including: new merchandise; updating my collection and more magazine articles. Will also get the new contest online ASAP 🙂
It seems I’ll be disappointing a lot of you this year, as I’m afraid I’ve not had time to put a Christmas Comic series together, however I do have the entire story planned and will work on it throughout this year to put up for Christmas 2004!
Also, expect to see a major update to my Shining Force Guide in the next few months, as well as the addition of a new site dedicated to Shining Soul II (which I’d like to get online in advance of the planned US release :)).
Atlus announces Shining Soul II Release Date!
Atlus announces Shining Soul II Release Date!
Indeed, folks, Atlus USA have just made an announcement about Shining Soul II’s US release – not news to me, though it does confirm the deadline I’ll be working to for getting my guide ready and online 😉 – it should be in stores in Feburary 2004, though as with the original, don’t be surprised if it does get a little delayed at the last minute. March wouldn’t be an unrealistic estimate at this time.
More info on Atlus’ Shining Soul II info page, here, including some screenshots I don’t doubt the major gaming sites will post as the ‘first shots’, despite SFC having posted preview shots 3 whole weeks ago 😉
Guess I should get a move on with my guide for this awesome game then 😀
Wolfgang’s been at it again!
Wolfgang’s been at it again!
Yes folks, that’s right – just weeks after completing work on his new Shining Force III site, Shining fan Wolfgang’s been working hard on yet another project, which is now ready! I knew this was something he’d wanted to work on, but when he’d get the chance do it, I didn’t know… what a surprise then, when in my inbox this morning I found an email from him with a link to his brand new (and fantastic as usual!) Shining the Holy Ark website! Well, what are you waiting for? Go check it out! *lol*
Great work Wolfgang, we all appreciate it!
New Comic!
New Comic!
Big thanks to Craig Petersen (aka Bowie Powers) for supplying a simply wonderful comic – I suggest you all check it out!
Various updates!
Various updates!
As promised yesterday, I’ve prepared a bunch of updates for you all to enjoy 🙂 I hope I can get these online, as I’ve been having FTP problems this morning 🙁 Well, I guess if you’re reading this, I got it all uploaded okay 😉
- Contest winner announced
- Christmas contest on the way…
- SFIII Scenario 3 Chapter 4 section 1 translation provided by Magnus Andersson
- Collectables/collection pages updated.
- Shining Soul USA cover scans added
- New poll & new MP3 added (sorry, no comic yet!)
Old news, polls & contests archived
I’ll get the rest of the Christmas Contest page up ASAP, right now I need to focus on getting the forums open again 🙂
Update coming tomorrow!
Update coming tomorrow!
Right, now my other half is back at work, I can get on with some site updates 🙂 Got several bits planned for tomorrow (had hoped to do them today, but ran out of time to finish them off), including the following:
- Contest winner to be announced (sorry about the delay on this).
- Christmas contest (with lots of cool prizes!) to begin early, so the prizes can hopefully be sent out pre-Christmas!
- More translations to be added.
- Collectables/collection pages to be updated.
- Shining Soul USA cover scans etc to be added.
- New poll, MP3 and (hopefully) comic!
- News to be archived.
- Forums to re-open!
I might even try to get some more SSII USA screenshots online 😉
Well, that oughta keep me pretty busy… but, if I get through all that and have some time to spare, maybe I’ll even start putting my SSII site together – the guide is coming along well 🙂
Shining Tears?
Shining Tears?
A bit late updating on this one, as I’ve not been online much this week 😉 Anyhow…
Gamefront recently reported that Sega has trademarked the name “Shining Tears”, for a possible videogame product. It should be noted that in the past, companies have trademarked names and nothing has come of it, but with the knowledge that a game has been in development, and that the Shining Force trademark itself has recently been renewed (along with the news that THQ are to release a Shining Force game for the GBA in Europe/Australia – it is unknown at this time whether this is a new game or a port of the original), it seems possible this name could well be in preparation for the next installment of the Shining series!
Thanks to the various folks who emailed me with this news!