More Shining Force III Sc2 Translations!

More Shining Force III Sc2 Translations!

Yes, Beyd’s been busy translating again! Two more sections of the Scenario 2 script are now available (5-17 and 6-15) with the final script over halfway done and expected to be sent for addition to SFC soon! Great work Beyd, we can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done!

Shining Soul USA release date!

Shining Soul USA release date!

Atlus USA have announced the release date for Shining Soul in the USA – September 16th (this year, of course!). <edited, not at liberty to discuss why, sorry!>

Great stuff Atlus!

More on the US release of Shining Soul, next week when I should receive my review copy 🙂

Forums Back Online!!

Forums Back Online!!

I’ve been conversing with Smoove for most of the morning trying to resolve the problem, and we’ve finally cracked it. It was related to an update on the server in the last 24 hours, and a new update seems to have fixed it 🙂

Forums Down!

Forums Down!

It seems that something’s broken in the DB again, and worse still, the DB admin panel is currently down, following some server upgrades. I have asked SmooveNET about the problem and they will be looking into it ASAP no doubt!

Meanwhile I’ve disabled the forums to prevent any further problems, my apologies for the inconvenience!

Regular Update

Regular Update

As usual, we have a new MP3, new poll, new comic and finally the results of the July Contest. Both winners turned out to be members of the SFC Forums, so I’m very glad to know the Yogs will be going to good homes 🙂 A new contest has also begun!
If you wanted a Yog plushie, but didn’t win the contest, keep an eye on the updates here, as sometime in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be making a giant (40cm tall) Yog to sell on Ebay! Watch this space 😉 While I’m on the subject of selling, I do still have some Shining Force Gaiden Collector Cards for sale 🙂 Email me for details 🙂

I’ve also made a small update to the Emulation Information page, and was going to update the Chronology page, but I have some matters to attend to at the forums. Meanwhile, you might enjoy reading this topic, in which a new theory has been put forward!

In the coming days/weeks, these things should be updated/added:

  • Review of USA Shining Soul release

    – awaiting the arrival of my review copy!
  • Review of Japanese Shining Soul II release
    – have received my copy, but wanted to get some other updates done before trying it 😉
  • Shining Soul II production credits
    – when I complete the game, or when someone else completes it and translates them (I hear they’re in Kanji!)
  • More Scenario 2 (and possibly, Scenario 3) script translations
    – as soon as Beyd sends them through to me 🙂
  • ‘Where to Buy…’ page update
    – waiting a few more days, as I expect some Shining Soul II guidebooks to be available soon
  • More fan art
  • Updated Shining Chronology

Various Updates

Various Updates

  • Shining Soul II artwork & cover scans added
  • Shining Soul II Collectables updated
  • My Collection updated
  • Links Directory updated (know of a site that needs adding?)
  • Some of the Shining Wisdom script (USA version) added, thanks to SilverShadow!
  • New Shining Force II magazine article scan added, thanks to Blake. You can see a review of the article here!

More updates coming tomorrow, along with all the regular updates & a new contest! 🙂

BTW, if anyone is looking for some Shining Force Gaiden Collector Cards, I have some for sale 🙂 Email me for details 🙂

Shining Soul USA Release News

Shining Soul USA Release News

My contacts at Atlus USA have confirmed that they have completed the localisation of Shining Soul for the US market and the game is now being manufactured, having received approval from Nintendo of America. It should be hitting the shelves around mid-September, although an exact release date is yet to be confirmed.

My review copy will be on the way tomorrow, so keep an eye on SFC in about a week for a pre-release review of the game! If any of the folks at Atlus are reading, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and for being willing to hear me out 😉

Various Updates

Various Updates

Trying to clear a backlog of updates now, so here goes!

Things coming soon:

  • Review of USA Shining Soul release
  • Review of Japanese Shining Soul II release
  • Shining Soul II production credits
  • More Scenario 2 (and possibly, Scenario 3) script translations
  • New & updated links
  • New contest/previous winner announced
  • ‘Where to Buy…’ page update
  • More fan art
  • Emulation Information update
  • More official artwork
  • Updated Shining Chronology
  • Some of the Shining Wisdom script (USA version), thanks to SilverShadow!
  • More magazine article scans!

New Scenario 2 Script Translations!

New Scenario 2 Script Translations!

You may not remember, but a few months ago I posted news that a kind fan (and former member of the Aspinia Team, if my memory serves me correctly) had offered to translate some of the ‘missing’ sections of the Scenario 2 Script… well, lo and behold, they’re here!

Many, many thanks to Beyd for his hard work on Section 1-9 and 5-2 – they’re very nicely translated. He also says there are more to come, so keep your eyes peeled, people, I’ll be adding them as I receive them!

I also intend to do more updates tomorrow, as I’ve had the Shining Soul script sitting around for almost half a year now 😉 I think the game’s been out long enough for me to put the European release’s script up now.

A few other areas I plan to update tomorrow too, but we’ll see how it goes 😉

Shining Soul II Released & More News

Shining Soul II Released & More News

Today sees the release of Shining Soul II in Japan, and with a bit of luck my copy of the game will be arriving in the next week for me to review. Sadly, Sega did not respond to my requests for further info or a review copy of the game, so it’ll be a post-release review. Sega Japan have also updated their Shining Soul II minisite today to include a Multiplayer Comic and new cool Desktop/icon downloads on their ‘Special’ page.

There’s also a rather interesting page (which I hope to have translated, though I’m not sure I’m able to do it) or two with information from Shining Soul II’s creator, including what seems to be a bit of a history of the Shining series and some rather cool pictures (I wonder if they had all of those to hand, or if they took some from my scans at SFC? *lol*). If anyone’s able to translate the info, I’d love to post it here.

They have also added a form to their website, allowing owners of Shining Soul II to enter the contest via this, instead of sending in the registration card from the game. However, only entrants within Japan will have the chance of winning the prize! Looks like I’ll have to ask Rei to enter for me 😉

Shining Soul II News

Shining Soul II News

Sega Japan have updated their Shining Soul II minisite today with some exciting new info! I was beginning to wonder whether they’d have some kind of contest, like the one for ‘Yogurt’s Little Box’ which they ran during the early days of Shining Soul’s release. Indeed, they are! This time they have a ‘Shining Soul II GBA SP Campaign’ – presumably it will once again be a case of sending in the registration card from the game, only this time entrants have the chance to win one of 100 Shining Soul II GBA cases, or one of 50 GBA SPs.

Not only have they announced this contest today, but also they’ve added a section about the game’s producer to the Special Page, which I’ve not had time to translate as yet, and started working on their FAQ – there are now 17 Q&A’s available, all in Japanese of course. I’ll try to translate these when I have more time, and put them up here for anyone who imports the game.

Regular Update

Regular Update

Still quite busy, working on a battle system for the SFC forums, so I’ll have to keep this update brief too (and a day late again, sorry… I’ll try to get back on track when my various projects are out of the way!)

As usual there’s a new MP3, new poll (still has some kind of error I think, yet to solve it!) and a new comic strip courtesy of Cull 🙂 I still need to get around to archiving the news etc. Will try to soon! Also, found some new Shining items to add to the Collectables section. Again, will do this ASAP!

Only a couple of weeks left to get in your entries for this month’s contest – the response has been great so far, though it seems the questions may be causing problems for some of you! I’ve also received a couple of rather nice donations recently in the form of contest prizes, and intend to have another big Christmas contest this year 🙂

In Shining news, various Japanese magazines have reviewed Shining Soul II (seems Sega were unwilling to let me review it early 🙁 ) and given it quite reasonable scores, around 8/10 on average. Here’s hoping it’s as good as they say it is! I’ll give you the full lowdown when I receive my copy in a few weeks time 🙂

No news from Atlus of late concerning Shining Soul’s USA release date, but it’s still scheduled for September and I’m trying to get more information for you all!

In Fanwork news, the Tatakai website has been updated and the project is progressing well. Tester requests are still welcome, but I cannot emphasize enough that anyone wanting to help test the project should read the website in full before applying!