Shining in the Darkness Script added

Shining in the Darkness Script added

Many thanks to SFCer Martin III, who typed up the SitD script a couple of years ago and posted it on the SitD Forum.

I know I’ve been slack the last few years, but am finally starting to catch up here a little bit at a time. Over my lunch break today I’ve prepped the script for addition to the site and have imported it – shazam!

So, the script is now available in the scripts section here at SFC, complete with pictures for most of the characters.

I could do with in-game pictures for the following characters as I don’t seem to have many SitD screenshots to hand (only played it on the console, not emulated!) – if anyone can provide them that would be great!
Princess Jessa, Jessa Doppler,Xern, Spirit of the Fountain and Mortred.
I could also do with a better picture of Pyra, the one I’m using has her name over it.

Thanks again to Martin, and sorry it’s taken me so long to add it. Nice work mate 🙂

Shining Force III makes top 100 games of all time!

Shining Force III makes top 100 games of all time!

gamesTM Magazine 100th Issue - Shining Force III Limited Edition Cover
SFCer Ashley, who works at gamesTM magazine here in the UK has dropped me a line to say that Shining Force III has made the top 100 games of all time in the 100th issue of gamesTM.

To celebrate 100 issues, the magazine has put together 100 different covers, each featuring one of the top games. Naturally, SFIII is among them, as you can see from the cover here.

Only 400 of each cover design will be available, so they’re very limited edition. It’ll be down to chance whether or not your usual stockist happens to have a SFIII cover or not.

So, when the magazine goes on sale on September 2nd, the great SFIII cover hunt will begin! I for one will check all the local shops for it and will pick up any spare copies I find with the SFIII cover. Ashley, despite working for the magazine, does not automatically get his choice of covers and would dearly like a copy not only for himself but also one to send on to Camelot in recognition of their achievements.

Should I locate more than one copy, I will gladly give the second to Ashley for Camelot – any others will be available to SFCers (at cost price) and I hope all SFCers will do likewise to help each other out. I’ll take Thursday off work and spend the day visiting all the local magazine stockists if I can!

Good luck all 🙂

US$360 Hosting due end of September – can you help?!

US$360 Hosting due end of September – can you help?!

Hi all and welcome to SFC’s Annual Beg!

As you all know I’m still working on the new CMS for the site, along with the new design & new RPG/shop system. I’ve been dead busy with work all year and haven’t done much for the last few months, but plan to have more time for it again towards then end of the year when things get quiet at work again. I’ve been so busy that this is my first day off in almost 3 months. So I thought I’d best make the most of actually having some time, and put up the beg 😉 I may spend some of today working on the rebuild, or I might treat myself to some gaming time, and pick up where I left off on STHA!

Since moving to the new server last September, SFC has taken on the SFIII Translation Project website, as well as having another new hostee planned (sorry I haven’t had the time to set that up for you yet dude!!) with a fab Shining site. We’re also now hosting Shining Only: UK, where plans for UK Shining fan meets are arranged. I’m so glad to be able to offer hosting to Shining sites who need it, and of course I don’t charge anything for it. The SFC server has been almost entirely fan funded for some years now, so I’m trying to give back where I can 🙂

Anyhoo, long story short, the next year of hosting fees is due at the end of September. So, if you’ve got a few spare dollars kicking around in PayPal, every little helps!

SFIII Translation Project: Translators Needed!

SFIII Translation Project: Translators Needed!

Translation Team leader legalize freedom has made a post on the Shining Force III: Translation Project website calling for volunteers with good Japanese-English translation skills.

I shan’t repost the full details here, instead I’ll point you to the post itself so you can read about it there.

Thanks for reading, hope someone out there has the experience necessary to help! 😀

Interview with Hiroyuki Takahashi in gamesTM magazine!

Interview with Hiroyuki Takahashi in gamesTM magazine!

Hi all and apologies for the lack of updates of late. I’d like to say I’ve been busy working on the new site design & CMS but unfortunately that’s not the case. Just moved house a month ago and things have been somewhat busy since 😉 Hopefully will find some time over Christmas to crack on with some SFC work!

Anyway, on to the news…

The folks at gamesTM magazine have managed to do something amazing – they had an interview with Hiroyuki Takahashi and it features in the latest issue. SFCers in the UK should be able to find it at any good magazine retailler, while those of you who live elsewhere in the world should be able to pick up a copy here.

SFCer Ashley is part of the gamesTM team and has posted about it at the forums, and now I’ve read through the article I felt I ought to mention it here too – it’s a great read. I won’t say any more than that, as I don’t want to spoil the article for you – now go out and buy it! 🙂

SFC Hosting due in 1 week, help us raise US$360!

SFC Hosting due in 1 week, help us raise US$360!

Well folks, it’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s well beyond that time of year. Normally I’d’ve started this beg months ago.

You see, several months ago I was contacted by a kindly fellow who volunteered to pay for the next year of hosting when it was due. I had no reason to doubt this fellow, having stayed in contact by email & mobile phone and he also bought me SF:Feather as a thank you for my work on the site. I don’t know what’s happened, but having tried to reach him several times in the last month or so I’ve had no response. Although I don’t think it was his intention to let us down, I find myself with no choice now but to launch a beg. I’ve planned on moving the site to a new host since Smoove have not been up to their former high standards of late and now I have only a week left in which to pick the host (which will now be solely based on how much money I can raise – I have a choice of two hosts), transfer the entire site over and get it up and running. I’d hoped to have an extra month to trial the new host first and ensure it’s the right place for SFC. If I raise sufficient I will try to do this by staying with Smoove an extra month while running the forums on the new host.

Over the last year I’ve been working hard on the SFC CMS in all the spare time I can find, and it is certainly coming along well. I’d like to think that over Christmas (when there’s not much fishing to be had!) I’ll be able to finish it off, but in reality the project may take longer if it’s to be able to do everything I hope. Once it’s finished, selected site members will be able to update areas of the main site, keeping the content fresh like it always used to be. I’ve also planned out the new site design as many of you at the forums will have seen. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the draft (note I plan on implementing a colour selector of sorts

Shining Force for XBOX Live Arcade – your vote counts!

Shining Force for XBOX Live Arcade – your vote counts!

Sega are letting the fans decide which game they’ll release next on XBOX Live Arcade! Vote for Shining Force by visiting Toejam and Earl are currently in the lead, but I’m sure we can get Shining Force ahead in no time. You’re allowed to vote once a day, and get your friends to vote too.

I don’t have an XBOX, but I’m voting – I’d like to think that if the original tactical games in the series get more interest, Sega might do the right thing and bring us a real SFIV.

Shining Force needs YOU! Vote now, vote often. Tell your friends!



It’s not often you’ll find me SHOUTING online, but this time I really feel I need to!

In case it wasn’t already apparent, SFC needs a new host. SmooveNET, the current host, has been rather lacking in it’s support department (weeks to respond, if at all; regular downtime…) for the last year and I’ve had enough. Others are jumping ship too.

The question is, where can SFC go where it will be welcome? Fansites in general can struggle to find decent hosts because of the amount of content which is of questionable legality due to copyright. The very nature of a fansite is to include materials about someone else’s products, be it a videogame, movie or TV series.

SFC hosts a great many images, magazine scans, screenshots and game scripts, not to mention the hosting of patch files for the game ROMs and ISOs (though I must point out I do not host any ROMs or ISOs here, nor will I as long as they are so blatantly illegal). I do however include links to MP3 files on other servers. A great many hosts seem to even frown on this, classing it as the ‘facilitating of copyright infringement’. How a host can complain about what a website owner links to is beyond me!

So, who’d have us with content like that? I can’t get permission from the companies involved (ie, Sega, Nintendo, Camelot etc) although they have on several occasions complimented the site, offered news exclusives and donated prizes. If that doesn’t ring of some kind of approval I don’t know what does.

I don’t want to move the site only to find it getting shut down because of the content.

Similarly I’m very cautious about hosts who offer ‘unlimited’ bandwidth and disk space. Usually they have some kind of fair usage policy and can still shut a site down if they feel the use is excessive. How is this ‘unlimited’?! So, I’d prefer a host which is up front about the usage figures.

Of those few hosts who seem to genuinely allow large volumes of traffic, most seem to have some kind of limit on the amount of files that can be hosted. While I don’t see SFC hitting these limits, I prefer not to have them in place if they’re going to seem like low numbers – 50,000 or so – especially when each email received on the domain counts towards the file limit.

I’ve only got about a month in which to find a new host. So far it’s proving quite tricky. I’ve been recommended the likes of Bluehost, 1&1, Pinchhost and HostGator. Most of these seem not to be ideal for the site’s needs. DreamHost looks ok, but still has rules on copyright issues and linking to such content.

I’m not looking for free hosting. Not even for dead cheap hosting. I’d happily take on a VPS or similar if it fell within budget.

So, here’s what SFC needs – can you recommend a host or do you know someone who could offer this kind of hosting?

– US or UK based server
– at least 2.5GB of space (more preferable)
– at least 50GB bandwidth per month (200GB+ preferable)
– php, mysql (probably 10 databases or so would do – no size limit please)
– subdomains (at least 5)
– fairly relaxed rules on content
– fast tech support, reliable server
– monthly cost of US$30 per month at most

Or should I just give up and stick with Smoove? >.<;; Tasukete!!

Looking for a new host – any suggestions?

Looking for a new host – any suggestions?

Well, after all these years it may finally be time for SFC to move host again. The service myself and other Smoove customers at SFC have been receiving has not been up to their old standards over the past couple of years. Downtime has increased, errors are on the up and with the credit crunch it would be nice to have a lower bill too.

Smoove has always had its benefits and in some respects I am loathe to move because despite downtime, I know SFC is safe here as regards my hosting of Shining artwork and other such ‘copyrighted’ (but now rather unlikely to be causing anyone any losses) materials, the hosting of the translation project, linking to MP3s etc. They’re also very good about bandwidth, space etc and will usually increase it if needed – no risk of the site being closed.

But, with downtime increasing and tech support not being what it was, I really do need to consider a move.

So, I’m looking for recommendations for a new host. Here’s what I’m looking for:

– at least 2.5GB of space (more preferable)
– at least 50GB bandwidth per month (200GB+ preferable)
– php, mysql (probably 10 databases or so would do)
– subdomains (at least 5)
– fairly relaxed rules on content
– fast tech support, reliable server
– monthly cost of US$30 per month at most

It would also be nice to be able to offer sub-hosting on SFC to other Shining fansites – for free or a minimal cost I’d imagine.

I’ve looked around online and most of the places I’ve found which seem to fit the bill have very mixed reviews and often it seems those who seem to offer a lot (eg, ‘unlimited’ bandwidth/space) for a low price actually don’t like it if their hostees really use that much. So, I’d like recommendations if possible from people who have similar size sites on a good host.

Or, perhaps you run a server yourself and can offer the above?

There are also a number of other Smoove hostees looking to jump ship at the moment who may well be interested in hosting – possibly something comparable to the Smoove basic hosting package.

For full details of the Smoove packages for comparison to your own suggestions, click here.

13 years and still going strong!

13 years and still going strong!

Good morning all, and welcome to May 5th, which happens to be the 13th anniversary of the day I first uploaded my Shining Force II site!

Thanks to everyone who has continued to visit over the years and kept this site alive, even while I have failed to do so myself. Without your constant encouragement and enthusiasm I wouldn’t still be doing this malarky.

Yes, it started way back in 1996 and look how things have grown. SFC itself came to exist a few years later in 2000 (although had originally come about in early 1997 under a different name), and so technically SFC is celebrating its 9th anniversary today… but since the sites are part of one whole big mess of webdesign and everlasting obsession I count it as 13 years of the entity which became and always will be SFC.

While I had hoped to have the new CMS & redesign ready for this special day, various things have gotten in the way (not least of which being the site downtime & subsequent server issues during the week I had off to develop the new stuff) and as such I can’t offer you the gift of Shiny newness today. Soon I hope though, soon.

As something little to make you all smile though, I have recoded the April Fools avatar overlays from the old forums… pop along and browse a topic to see what comes up 🙂

This is also my small gesture to show you that I do still care enough to make time for silly bits of code like this 😉 …and that I’ll be able to have the ol’ RPG overlays back when the new SFC RPG is finished. Watch this space 😉

Okay, enough rambling. Go on and enjoy yourselves, celebrating SFC Day!