Well, although some shops across the country have been selling Shining Soul for the last few weeks, today is it’s official release, and somehow it’s managed to top the charts at Gameplay! What I’m looking forward to is being able to go into a games shop and seeing a shelf full of Shining games again… it’s been too long!
Author: Moogie
Maybe output games filters here?Regular Update
Regular Update
As usual, we have a new Comic Strip (thanks Rusty, 500G on the way to your forum account!); new MP3 and a new Poll. The old ones have of course been archived, along with last month’s news. In addition, the winner of February’s contest has been announced, and the March contest is now open, good luck!
Today I’ve managed to get organised, and have updated the ‘Games Similar to Shining Force’ page, as well as the Fanart (SF, SFII, SFIII & SS fanart added).
Nothing else to report at present, though I would like to point out – for those of you who’ve seen the ‘E3 List’ at GameFront – that the rumour of a Camelot/Sega RPG for GameCube is very unlikely to be true, and the list does show that it is unconfirmed. That site has been known to give inaccurate information in the past, and since nothing of it has been mentioned at any larger gaming sites, I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you 😉 I have, however, done my part and contacted Taguchi-sama to see if he can clear the issue up. It has also been rumoured that Shining Soul II will be on display at E3… I can’t confirm or disprove this, and to me it seems quite likely this will happen.
Shining Soul (Euro) Review Online!
Shining Soul (Euro) Review Online!
I’ve finally gotten around to typing up my thoughts on Shining Soul’s European release. You can see it here.
In addition, I’ve updated the Collectables section, more specifically the Shining Force III Scenario 1, Shining Force CD and Shining Soul II pages.
The Where to buy… page has also been updated, many thanks to shining3master for his suggestions.
I still have some fanart to add, and I still (sorry!) need to get around to updating the list of games similar to Shining Force (if only to stop people sending in more of the same suggestions *lol*). There are probably some other areas I need to update too, but for now this is all 😉
Regular Update
Regular Update
Just a quick update today. Sorry updates have been few and far between of late, but as the SFC Forum-goers among you probably know, I’ve been busy adding a lot to the forum system.
So, today we just have the regulars… new poll, new MP3 and a new comic strip – courtesy of Tanthalas (thanks man, sorry I didn’t get a chance to put it up sooner!).
I hope to get a review of the European release of Shining Soul up by the end of the week. I played the demo copy of the game (on which I was unable to save, due to the special cart it’s on… I’ll post pics soon, though I have to return the demo cart to Inforgrames in a few days) until my GBA decided to switch itself off, despite being plugged into the mains O.o;; … so a big thanks to Aspartate, Mael and Prince Medion who rushed to my rescue with some save states that I could use to continue playing, via the ROM. Note that I do not encourage the piracy of readily-available games, and only resorted to using the ROM because I’d otherwise have to play through the majority of the game again (and probably risk my GBA turning itself off again anyway!).
Anyhoo, completed the game, first thoughts are still available at the Shining Soul forum here at SFC. In a nutshell, I enjoyed it more than the Japanese release, though it still becomes overly repetetive pretty quickly, and I’m sad to say that – despite being fairly true to the Japanese version – the translation is pretty dire – typos left right and centre, and poor English. I don’t know how well the other languages on it read, since I’m not fluent in any of them 🙁 Feedback is of course welcome.
Gotta go now, but will endeavour to update again soon!
Shining Soul – First Thoughts
Shining Soul – First Thoughts
I received my review copy of Shining Soul (European release) this morning 🙂 It appears I can’t save on this demo cart, so I’ll just have to get as far as I can on my battery power and without switching off 😉
I’ll get a decent article about it together ASAP, until then, keep an eye at the Shining Soul forum for anything I might post about it!
Shining Soul Released in Europe
Shining Soul Released in Europe
It would seem that most of mainland Europe saw the release of Shining Soul today, or will tomorrow! Nice of Infogrames to mention that… I’ve no idea why they’ll not be releasing it here in the UK for another 3 weeks! Oh well, I’ll post my impressions of it as soon as my review copy arrives… perhaps tomorrow morning 😉
If you’ve already picked it up, feel free to email me with comments about the game, for inclusion at SFC 🙂
Shining Soul – Release Date Changed!
Shining Soul – Release Date Changed!
Well, having conversed (by email) with Infogrames over the last few days, they have confirmed that Shining Soul’s official release date has been pushed to March 7th. I should be receiving my review copy within the next 2 days and will get a review up ASAP. Oddly enough, it’s been reported by an SFC Forum member, Doom3000, that the game is already available in France, perhaps because Infogrames is a French company.
So much for me getting the first look, eh? 😉 *lol*
On a related note, Infogrames state that there are no current plans to localise Shining Soul II, though of course it is early days. There are to be no promotional items for Shining Soul (ie, posters, toys etc) either. Oh well!
In addition, Rei received my official Yogurt plushie today and he’s ready to send it out… apparently it’s very cute! 🙂 I also managed to pick up a bit more fabric today to continue making my Yog toy!
The forums are working again!
The forums are working again!
Thank Zod for Google! I found a page explaining how to manually repair a database table that seems to be missing and it worked 🙂 What a relief!!
Forum Downtime/Problems
Forum Downtime/Problems
Just letting you know that I’m well aware that there’s something wrong with the forums. Emails about this matter will not be replied to unless they are actually helpful, since right now I’m spending my time trying to find out what’s wrong.
I’ve no idea when they’ll be back up and running, or whether everything will still be intact when they’re working again. We’ll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile I apologise for the inconvenience and will do my best to solve the problem.
Update: 09.55
It would seem the cause of the problem is within a particular table of the database, which holds posts…. which appears to have vanished as the file can’t be found (but when I view the database overview, it is listed as being 2in use”… no idea why, it’s never said that before). Unfortunately, due to my 56k connection with a 2-hour cutoff period (ADSL isn’t available in my area, nor is Cable), I’ve not been able to backup the 40MB+ database file so I can’t restore from that. I’ve contacted my host in the hope that he’ll be able to fix it… other than that, I’m not really sure what to do. Anyone who is familiar with MySQL & phpBB are welcome to advise on this matter. Perhaps the best course of action would be for me to delete that table manually and reinsert it? I dunno, I’m not much up on databases. Will keep you informed.
Regular Update
Regular Update
As usual there’s a new MP3 & a new poll. No new comic strip this fortnight either, I’m afraid, since I’ve been so busy working on making a Jogurt plushie! If you’re a member of the SFC Forums, you’ll probably know I recently introduced a new “Gold” system, where users earn “Gold” for posting, which can then be used to buy (virtual) items for their (virtual) collections… well, as a little incentive to any budding artists amongst you, I’m offering 500G as a reward for anyone who submits a comic strip that I should choose to use here!
What else? Ah yes, the winner of last month’s contest has been announced, and a new contest has been launched – good luck!
I’ve got quite a lot of stuff to add to the site in the near future – more collectables; updating my collection; fanart; games similar to Shining Force (many thanks to everyone who’s sent in suggestions, and sorry I’ve not added them yet!); where to buy Shining goods… and more besides!
In addition, some exciting news on the translation front – an old member of the Aspinia Team has contacted me to say he’s finishing off the Scenario 2 translation, and working on some of Scenario 3. There should be something of this available in the very near future. Great stuff!
No sign of my review copy of Shining Soul yet, but then again no magazines have reviewed it yet either. Infogrames are certainly cutting it a bit close, with a release date of February 28th listed on their website! No more news on Shining Soul II either, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty about it in a few months 🙂
Finally, I’d like to encourage those of you who have some free time, to join Grom’s Shining Force Interactive RPG, a free-to-join online roleplaying group, where members roleplay a Shining Force based story together on a regular basis. Enjoy!
Jogurt Plushie – New Pictures!
Jogurt Plushie – New Pictures!
Remember the Jogurt Plushie I posted about, a week or so ago? Well, Sega Direct have put up some new pictures of it, and I must say this one looks even more cute (check out his feet!!)! Unfortunately, I have had no luck in trying to arrange a freebie as a contest prize 🙁 And it looks like there isn’t enough interest for me to pick up a batch to sell on through SFC.
I had, however, been planning on making Jogurt plushies for quite some time… so perhaps I should get a move on with mine (if the fabric isn’t too dusty by now ;)) and use those as prizes instead. Not official, true, but hopefully they’ll be pretty cool.
Shining Soul Euro Release – Confirmed!
Shining Soul Euro Release – Confirmed!
Infogrames, European publishers of Shining Soul, have updated their website to include details about Shining Soul, including it’s release date (Feburary 28th this year), screenshots and cover artwork! Take a look, here. No doubt my review copy will be arriving soon then 🙂
BTW, take a look at the 5th &7th screenshots… nice typo – discription? Don’t they mean description?!