Shining Soul European Release Date?

Shining Soul European Release Date?

Rumours are rampant that Shining Soul has had a European release date set – Feburary 14th of 2003, apparently. Several gaming sites have mentioned it (many thanks to the various SFC Forum members who made me aware of this), though Sega’s site has nothing to confirm the rumour, and many of the larger gaming sites have said nothing of it either.

Take it with a pinch of salt folks, this could just be a hoax. Either way, I can’t say I’m that excited about the news.

Regular Update

Regular Update

Well, it’s a couple of days late, but better late than never, eh? PC problems and bathroom decorating kept me away, but now all the usual updates are ready 🙂

So, we have a new comic, new MP3, new poll and a new contest too! The winner of last month’s contest has been announced.

I’ve also archived November’s news, the old comic and the old poll.

Not much else to report at present… still some areas to be updated later on, but they’ll have to wait until my bathroom’s been painted 😉

Various Updates

Various Updates

My apologies for the lack of updates. My Oma (that’s Dutch for Grandmother) passed away a couple of weeks ago, and with all the other things going on at the moment, the site has had to take a lower priority than usual.

There are several areas I’ve got on my list to update, and I’ll endevour to do these over the coming week:

– Desktops
– My Collection
– Fan Art
– Premium Disc production credits
– Where to Buy Shining Goods

I’ve managed to get several more Shining Magazine Articles up today, many thanks to those who supplied them (credited with the articles). I’ve also updated the Shining Collectables section. There are also two new Shining Force II midis, courtesy of Jarel Jones. The Shining Series Introduction has also been added, though I’ve yet to add any pictures to brighten the page up 😉

Tomorrow’s update should hopefully be done in time, but please bear with me if it isn’t. Your entries for the Incomplete Finale contest should be in by now, as the closing date has passed.

Just a pre-warning in case the update is late – my PC power supply seems to be on it’s last legs, so if it goes completely it may be a day or two before I get a new one… in which case, I won’t be around for a while.

Future Updates

Future Updates

I’m hoping to type up the Premium Disc credits today (having located my save file at the weekend – thanks, Cull 😉 ), as well as getting up some more magazine scans and perhaps some fanart.
I think I’ll have lunch first though 😉

Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback (and bug reports *lol*) about the new SFC, it’s much appreciated!

Camelot link to SFC!

Camelot link to SFC!

Camelot Software Planning have included a link to SFC (and several other Shining sites) from their news page. Take a look here:

A big thank you to Yas Taguchi for doing this 🙂

TSS Interview online!

TSS Interview online!

On Saturday, I was interviewed by Devlyn, of The Shining Source. The interview is now online for all to see 🙂

While you’re there, why not take a look at some of the Shining Fangames that are in development?

More stuff already!

More stuff already!

Though the new site has only been online for a few days, I’ve already received a number of new additions!

  • New Magazine Article scans for Shining Force II, Shining Wisdom, Shining the Holy Ark and Shining Force III
  • Two new Shining Force midi files
  • Some more games Similar to Shining Force
  • More places to buy Shining goods

Also, the DarkswordS have created a lovely picture, dedicated to the new SFC! Take a look at it, here.

The SFC Forums are now redesigned too, to match with the new SFC colour scheme. I’ve also created a set of Shining emoticons, based on Domingo, Jogurt and Kiwi. Why not drop by and take a look?

I should probably update my collection page sometime, as I’ve received a couple of books recently… but I’m expecting several more items in the coming weeks, so I’ll probably wait until then and do a big update.

There are a few pieces of fanart to be added to the site, but I’ll wait until there’s a larger batch of them before putting them up.

That’s about all for now 😉

The SFC Redesign is here!

The SFC Redesign is here!

It’s been a long while in the making, but it’s finally ready 🙂

Yes, after two months of work, the new, improved SFC is here. There’s so much I’ve added while developing it that I’m sure I won’t be able to list it all here, but I’ll certainly give you an overview of what’s new!

For starters, the site is now PHP based, making it much quicker for me to make global site changes. We’re also on a new server, many thanks to Practical Hosting for their excellent hosting deal! So, things should be generally running much faster, and with far fewer ads.

Here are some of the noticable changes at the new SFC!

  • New design (like that wasn’t obvious!)
  • Release Information added to game introduction pages
  • Artwork sections now include image thumbnails
  • Shining magazine article scans now available
  • Existing areas expanded/added to (Fan Art, Downloads, Reviews, Collectables, Game Scripts)
  • Database of site listings updated, now just over 400 sites listed & categorised
  • New site listing category added – Fan Fiction
  • Information about the series developers added
  • “Where to buy…” page now has far more listings
  • Page about Shining Emulation added
  • Prominent link for major fan-game site added
  • Prominent link for Shining
  • MP3s/soundtrack info added

  • Page about games similar to the
  • Shining Force games added

  • New SFC Introduction written
  • Polls, Comics, Contests and News now properly archived
  • “About Moogie” page updated
  • Collection updated, now with “want list”
  • Shining Chronology has expanded into a whole new section, called “Shining Studies”, covering all sorts of extra information about the games and their development

…and those are just the things that spring to mind! Far more has been added, and the only way to see it is to take a good browse around the new site.

Note that all of my other Shining sites have now been relocated to this domain, and can be accessed at the following URLs:

Shining in the Darkness

Shining Force

Shining Force II

Final Conflict

I hope you enjoy the new SFC – feedback is of course welcome!

Site not abandoned…

Site not abandoned…

Just letting you know I’ve not abandoned the site – I’m just very busy working on the new version of SFC, which I hope to have ready by sometime next week. Meanwhile, only amazingly important stuff will be posted here, all other updates are on hold for now. Note that the September Contest is not over, as insufficient entries have been received. You may continue to enter.

General Update

General Update

The SFC redesign is coming along well, but I’ll keep this brief. Since there have been a great number of requests for the final sections of the Scenario 2 Script, but Jameth hasn’t been able to finish them as yet, I’ve taken the time today to get them done and they are now online. That’s all we have, folks 🙂 Currently some site visitors are hoping to translate the missing sections, so I hope these can be added soon too. Note that I still need to add a few of the character potraits, but I’ll do that tomorrow. Gotta go!

Script update/Redesign Imminent!

Script update/Redesign Imminent!

More translations added to the Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 game scripts sections.

Note that tomorrow’s update at SFC may not happen, as I’m working on the SFC redesign which I hope to have ready within a week (hence neglecting to update tomorrow).

Regular Update

Regular Update

Thanks for bearing with me during the delay in updating. I now have for you a new MP3, new poll and new comic strip courtesy of cullsoft, many thanks! Yes, that’s right, last fortnight’s poll had an overwhelmingly positive response, that the comic strips should be open to fan submissions 🙂 When the new SFC is ready I’ll prepare a proper way to submit comic strips.
The winner of last month’s contest has been announced now, and the new contest is now open. Good luck!

Not much else to report today, except that it’s looking more hopeful that information about the new Shining game will indeed be announced at TGS, though I can’t say more than that.

Ah yes! One other interesting point – having received a good number of submissions of Shining magazine article scans, I’ve discovered that a French magazine recently published pictures of my collection without my permission! I’m about to contact them about this oversight and hope to come to a friendly arrangement with them. If you’d like to find out more, head along to the new SFC forums, and look at this topic.