New Contest/Sega Announcement

New Contest/Sega Announcement

Well, it’s a little later than it should have been, but the June Contest has now been launched, and the winner of the May contest has been announced.
I should have time next week to work more on SFC’s content, in particular the game scripts 🙂 I’ll work hard to make up for the lack of updates recently.

Oh, BTW – since I was in a hurry to update when I found out about the new Shining game, I forgot to include any links to evidence! Well, this is the only one you’ll need:

Sega’s Annual Meeting

Just watch the video there, it’s got an English translation voice-over on it… about 45 minutes into the video you’ll hear them saying that they already have plans/are developing new games in certain series’… and they list Shining Force 🙂 I can’t wait to hear what feedback they have about the campaign pack I sent them last week! I think it was timed pretty much perfectly!

Anyway, more updates after the weekend.

Regular Update/Campaign Sent

Regular Update/Campaign Sent

First of all, my apologies for not catching up with the updates here, and for even being late with this one. I’ve got a lot on in real life at the moment, so I’m still running behind here.
Though I’ve got the new comic strip and MP3 up, the contest winner and new contest won’t be announced until later today, or perhaps tomorrow.

Due to a glitch, the last poll (now from 4 weeks ago… sorry!), lost it’s results, but for the record, the question was:
If there was a university course covering Shining History, Geography, Family Trees etc, would you take it?
With the answers “yes, of course!”, “no, that’s silly” and “maybe”. Last time I checked “yes, of course!” was in the lead 🙂

Now there’s a new poll for you to enjoy, and more updates coming soon (I hope!).

For those who are interested, the Campaign was sent off last week, and yesterday I received my first response: from Sega of America. I’ll update the campaign site about this later, meanwhile you can find more info at the Campaign Forum.

Back later with more updates!

New Shining Game in Development?

New Shining Game in Development?

It’s just typical, isn’t it?
The weekend I was busy moving house (which went very smoothly, in case you were wondering… and it’s great to be in a place of my own!), Sega announced a new Shining game is in development… for an unspecified console. Yes, indeed! On May 17th, Sega revealed many of it’s classic titles, including the Shining series, will have new installments. Woohoo!

So, just as the campaign reaches it’s target, it seems almost pointless to send it off. Fear not though, there are still issues we need to raise with Sega about this. We need to let Sega USA & Sega Europe know that we’d like to play these games in English rather than always having to import them 😉 We need to let Sega Japan know how disappointed we were with Shining Soul and that Camelot should work on the new game. We should also let them know about our other ideas for the next game (remake/translation of Shining Force III’s three parts and Premium Disc… remake of the Gaidens… a full compilation, etc…). We’ll still contact Nintendo, in the hope that we’ll see this on GameCube, though I think I’ll only send it off to Nintendo Japan. And of course, we need to contact Camelot to let them know just how much we want to see this game made by them. So, those packs will be sent out this week 🙂

Well, gotta get back to unpacking all these boxes! My apologies in advance that the update due on Wednesday may be late, I’ve got so much to organise in my new home!

Script Update/Moving House

Script Update/Moving House

The last part of Scenario 3’s Chapter 6 translation has been completed, and uploaded. Many thanks to Aspartate for her hard work on that section!
The Campaign is now just a few names away from reaching the target of 5000 names, and should be ready to send next week! Thanks for all your support!

Finally, just FYI, I’m moving house tomorrow and since I don’t know how long it’ll be before I’m unpacked, have a connected phoneline & an ISP sorted, the next due update (May 22nd) might be a little late, and I won’t be around much prior to that so emails might go unanswered for longer than usual.

Regular Update

Regular Update

As always, there’s a new MP3, new poll & new comic strip for you to enjoy. The winners of last month’s contest have been announced, and a new contest has been launched – good luck!
I’ve been meaning to work on adding more of the Scenario 2 Script over the last few days, but have only managed to do one more section. Better than nothing though, eh? In addition, SilverShadow has kindly provided a Shining Wisdom story summary, and end of game credits, which I’ve added to the site.

In case you hadn’t heard yet, I finally finished off the Final Conflict translation, well, more or less 😉 I completed this within a year, as I’d hoped to, and just in time for my Shining Force II site’s 6th anniversary!

Various Updates

Various Updates

First of all, I should clarify that although a number of sources have mentioned THQ’s involvement in distributing the English version of Shining Soul, there has as yet been no official confirmation.
As usual on SFC’s fortnightly update, there’s a new comic, new poll and new MP3 for you to enjoy. We’re now at over 460 links in the various site listings here, with some great new sites added.

I should be adding some more wallpapers tonight, and I’m working on implementing the scripts in a different way, so that they’re all printer-friendly versions. This may take some time, so please bear with me!

I’m now quite seriously considering tarting up SFC somewhat. It’s been as it is for almost a year now, and it’s due for something of a spring clean. I don’t know exactly when I’ll be working on this, as obviously the main priority at the moment is to get all the scripts online. Rest assured I’ll work on all aspects of the site as and when I have the time 🙂 I hope to add a lot more to the chronology section, including some submitted works on Shining Geography, Shining Religions and Shining Bosses. The expansion of this area would make it a lot easier for me to add new theories and ideas about links between the games. I may also consider including a Shining Genealogy section, though I think the Shining Force III family trees would take some time to put together, as there are so many relationships. I may also consider renaming the site, as Shining Force Central kind of implies that this place doesn’t cover the non-Force Shining games. We’ll see 😉

About a week ago I sent a letter to Camelot regarding some of the Shining series’ unanswered questions. I recently received a reply from Taguchi-sama, to say that although he’s busy working on the new Golden Sun game, he’s hoping to get some answers together within a few weeks. No doubt you’re all eager to see what Camelot have to say, as am I. I’ll be sure to put the reply online as soon as I receive it!

I intend to work more on the scripts area of the site over the coming days, especially on the Final Conflict translation, which I aim to complete by May 5th, one year from the day I began it!

JuMeSyn – New SFIII Site!

JuMeSyn – New SFIII Site!

Today saw the launch of shinsachiel’s site, Jumesyn… I could write pages going on about how impressed I am with this site, but I think I can sum it up quite simply: the best Shining Force III guide on the web! Not only is it highly aesthetically pleasing, but the content is second to none, navigation is straightforward and… well, what are you doing here? Get over there and have a look!
On a less exciting note, I’ve completed another section of the Final Conflict translation, and (slightly more exciting) a new demo is available at Shining Dev.

Seeing the beautiful layout at Jumesyn has made me realise that SFC may be in need of a bit of a redesign… thoughts?

Finally, having pruned out the double entries from the Campaign, we now need just over 200 signatures before it’s ready to send off. If you haven’t signed it yet, please do so now!

More of Sc2 Script Added

More of Sc2 Script Added

I’ve finished putting up Chapter 3 of the Scenario 2 translation 🙂
I’ve also added another Shining Force II wallpaper, and a new Shining Force wallpaper.

More later, hopefully!

Lots of new stuff!

Lots of new stuff!

I’ve added some more of the Scenario 2 translation to the scripts section. Volunteers are currently working on the scripts for Scenario 2 Chapter 2, and the last part of Chapter 1, so I’ve moved on with Chapter 3. I hope to have the imbetween sections up soon! A volunteer is also working on the rest of the Scenario 1 script. Once the scripts are up and running I intend to add printer friendly versions, without the SFC navigation etc around them. I may also include full chapter pages, as a number of people are unhappy with the script being broken down as it is. Just can’t please everyone can I?! *lol* But I’ll try to!
I’ve also translated another 2 sections of Final Conflict. The Final Conflict re-make project at Shining Dev is still in need of experienced Verge coders, as well as people to rip sprites and graphics.

I’m going to work on a Shining Soul review this week (I may even get it up today), and try to add some artwork. I’ve also put up a fan-submitted Shining in the Darkness wallpaper, and some new Shining Force II wallpapers.

The Shining Force II & Shining Soul merchandise sections have been updated with new items, and some other merchandise sections have had missing details (ISBN, page numbers, published dates etc) added in.

Some fanart has been added in to the Shining Wisdom & Shining Force II fanart sections.

There’s been a small update to the Chronology, following the release of Shining Soul. I’ll add more about Shining Soul when I’ve played it in English 🙂

The campaign is about 200 signatures away from being ready to send off. If you haven’t signed it yet, please do so ASAP!

You may also be interested to know that I’ve recently sent a rather long letter to Camelot Software Planning with a whole load of questions about the Shining series… perhaps we’ll get some answers to the unsolved mysteries! Watch this space 😉

Regular Update

Regular Update

As always, there’s a new MP3, comic strip and poll for you 🙂 I’ll post the results of last fortnight’s poll at the end of this news entry.
The March Contest is now over, and the winner has been announced. Good luck in the April Contest! Unfortunately, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to run these contests… since I’ll soon be moving into my first own home, finances may be a bit tight, and I may not be able to afford to post out the prizes 🙁

I’ve made a few typo corrections to the various game scripts, and added a whole lot of fan art.

Not much else to report, but lots of work underway as usual.

Various Updates

Various Updates

The Shining Soul credits are now available, many thanks to Aspartate for sending them in! I’ve almost completed the game myself, just haven’t had much time to play over Easter 🙁 I hope to put up a review shortly, along with more artwork & some wallpapers/greeting cards. Watch this space!
Another part of the Great Priest’s Trap section of the Scenario 3 translation is now online.

A few new sites have been added to the SFC database.

And… most importantly, Shining Dev is now online! It’s a site for the project to re-make Final Conflict for the PC, in English! Check it out now & see whether there’s anything you can do to help the team!