Where to begin?!
Well, I’ve been doing a lot of work on the site these last few days, and though I wanted to get a lot more done before I put anything up, I figured I’d upload what I’ve done so far as something of a taster 🙂
Before I forget, Daria has kindly offered to let me link to the ROMs on her site. The Japanese ROMs aren’t yet uploaded there, but I’ll try to set up the links in the next few days.
I’ve re-arranged the navigation a smidgen to help you find everything the site contains 🙂 The game production credits for most of the games are up, and a lot more of the Shining Force II script. Thanks to various members of SFC, I’ve now got Chapter 3 of the Scenario 3 translation online, and I’m currently working on putting the Scenario 2 translation up. A few volunteers are working on other scripts (as well as some of the missing story summaries and credits), though I still need (and have no volunteers for) the Shining in the Darkness script and Shining Force III Premium Disc credits (my save is on my spare Saturn, which is packed away *grumble*).
What else? Oh yes, about 20 new pieces of fan art have been added, and various pieces of Shining merchandise too. I’ve done a very quick update on the database of links, to include some of the new Shining Soul information. Also, Aspartate has translated the Shining Soul Story Introduction from Sega’s Shining Soul site.
There’s still lots I’m working on and planning to add, but I hope you like what’s been done so far!
Oh, also, I hope you don’t mind, but to help my host out (this site uses a *lot* of bandwidth), I’ve added the tall banners to each page, on the right-hand side. Hopefully they’re not too obtrusive, but visible enough to keep the advertisers happy (after all, the ads will be viewed by people who are looking further down the page than just at the top, ne?!).
Last, but by no means, least… the Campaign is now less than 500 signatures away from being sent off to Sega, Nintendo and Camelot. If you haven’t already signed it, please do!
Well, gotta go upload all of this now, and then carry on working on everything else 😉