Phew! I’ve been extremely busy trying to get lots of new bits together for the site, while trying to spend more time with my dearly beloved! Well, I think you’ll see that I’ve made some progress!
Before I talk about the new additions to the site, I’ll take a moment to remind you that, as with every fortnight, there’s a new MP3 for you to download and a new poll. “What? No new comic strip?!” I hear you cry! Well, I spent so long on the Christmas Comic, that I figured I’d leave it up until the next update. That also gave me a little more time to work on the new features. Oh, and the winner of last month’s contest has been announced – which means the new contest is launched today too!
Okay, now the new features!
Well, as I mentioned at the last update (now in the Archives), I had plans to add a lot of new areas to SFC. The good news is that all the areas are ready… the bad news is, they’re not all complete. I thought you’d want to have a look at what I’ve done so far though, so they’re up and running, and I’ll be adding to them constantly.
The new areas can be accessed from each game’s section. They are:
- Storyline Summaries – only about half of these are online at present
- Reviews – I’ve got them all up and running, but there may be typos, and some will need final tweaking! Also, I’ve yet to add any screenshots.
- Fan Artwork – each game now has a section for your art submissions. So far there’s only a picture on the Shining Force, Shining Force II and Scenario 3 pages. I do have a few more to add, but no time right now. If you have art to submit, please read the instructions on the fanart pages.
- Fan Fiction – each game now has a section for your story/literature submissions. All of these pages are basically empty. I do have some work to put on them, but again, time has stopped me for now. Feel free to send in your work according to the instructions on the pages.
- Related Merchandise – I think you’ll find this area the most interesting. Each game has a page listing other items released relating to the game. The pages include pictures and as much information as possible about the items. I’ve left out unofficial items (like doujinshis), but there’s a lot in each section. Thanks to Olivier for some of the pictures. Oh – I also listed the places you might find the items, in case you want to expand your collection, and links to any more relevant sites 🙂
Throughout the rest of the site I’ve done some minor updates too, including on the intro page for each game, and there are a bunch of new sites added to the links database. My collection still needs updating, but I’m due a few more items and will add them as a batch later on. Likewise, I intend to add my “want list” to that page at some point soon.
The Chronology is still awaiting an update (I’ve had some submissions of extra details), I’ve finally finished off the next section of my Final Conflict translation (I’ll try to get it online this week, I promise!!) and at some point this month I shall continue to work on adding all the town maps to the Shining Force II Guide (thanks again, Zor!). More midis to come soon.
Right, I think that’s it for now! So, until the next update, I hope you enjoy the new additions. Feel free to send me your feedback 🙂