New forums added… because Shining Force Feather deserves one!

New forums added… because Shining Force Feather deserves one!

Having finally gotten a chance to play Shining Force Feather I must say I am impressed. It’s been a long time since a Shining game has had me so eager to come back and play more, and the music keeps playing in my head at night. When I can’t sleep at night I find myself reaching for the DS. Such is the joy of Feather!

Although it’s a little tricky to get into considering that it is in Japanese and doesn’t use the classic 4-point menu system which made the original games so easy to pick up and play, and despite the fact that it doesn’t look very Shiny at first glance it really is a game worthy of the Force title.

Battle tactics are now more fun than ever with the ability to control the way you attack in order to score multiple hits against an enemy. I love the way movement now works and although at first I didn’t like not being able to attack with no Force Points, it does add another element of strategy to the game – you can’t just pile in, sometimes you’ll need to retreat a little and regroup. Combination attacks with other characters are great fun and make me think that in future games this sort of thing could be combined with the old SFIII Friendship System to create an even more amazing way to attack.

I really am loving this game, and recommend you give it a go – I’m enjoying it so much I had to create a forum for it even though I’ve been so slack as an Admin for the last few years. Of course this meant I had to set up forums for other recent Shining titles, perhaps less derserving of their own forums IMHO… but at least it’s cleared some clutter from ATS 😉

Sadly, no English release has been confirmed as yet but I have contacted a chap I used to be in touch with at SoA in the hope he can provide some more information.

Meanwhile, Play-Asia now have the game in stock and are shipping them out. You can order it through this link and make a little bit of money for SFC from your purchase 😉

Shining Force: Feather released today!

Shining Force: Feather released today!

Today saw the release of Shining Force: Feather in Japan, and I must say I’ve been quite excited about it.

Unfortunately I have yet to be able to play it as due to the ongoing difficulties with selling my house (and thereby being able to close the previous chapter of my life once and for all… 2 years after it technically finished) I’ve not been able to spare the money to order a copy 🙁

Today also marks 2 years since my new life without Lee first began and I think it’s quite fitting that on this day the Shining series may be starting its new life too 🙂

I’ve been trying to get a *cough*ROM*cough* of the game working on my DS as a stopgap until I can afford to buy it for myself but my n5 cart doesn’t seem to want to play it – some problem with not being able to save I think it says. Not sure, it’s in Japanese 😉 If anyone can offer any advice on this I would be most grateful as until my house sale goes through I cannot be spending US$50 on myself.

Alternatively if just 15 of you order the game through this link to Play Asia, I will have enough credit with them to buy the game from my affiliate earnings. Or does anyone fancy buying it for me? Early birthday present? Late Christmas present? ‘We love you Moogie’ present?! 😉 lol. Doesn’t hurt to try, eh?

Anyway, while I’m here I may as well mention that I am still working hard on the new SFC CMS in all the spare time I have and I believe I have now broken the back of it. Really hope to have this ready for the site’s anniversary at the start of May, but no promises. Actual work has kept me pretty busy of late which is good because I’ll have to pay off my solicitor bill soon as well as continuing to pay the mortgage while the house sits empty. Nightmare.

Er… yes, anyway, SF:Feather. Buy it! It’s looking great 🙂

Various newsy things

Various newsy things

Hi all, and belated New Year Greetings!

Just a little update to show that this place isn’t dead 😉

I’m still working on the new site CMS and hope to have it ready in time for the site’s anniversary on May 5th, but with real life commitments I can’t make any promises. At least you know it’s moving along, if slowly.

In other news, Shining Force: Feather comes out in Japan in exactly one month and it’s looking really quite exciting. I shall be getting my pre-order in ASAP and no doubt a lot of you will want to do the same! I can recommend for your orders and indeed if you order SF: Feather through them a small percentage will be paid in commission to SFC. Huzzah! Supporting your fave series & site, what could be better? 🙂

Finally, for those of you who hadn’t yet heard, a Brazillian chap going by the name of Renatobs at the forums has been developing his own remake of Shining Force II for the DS and from the videos & images posted it’s looking amazing! I’ll be receiving a demo version from him soon to offer a bit of a preview here so keep your eyes peeled. Unfortunately his DS was stolen recently and in order to properly continue development he needs to buy a new one. Anyone interested in helping him fund the new DS should visit his topic here for more information.

That’s all for now folks – back to the grindstone!

Keep on Shining 😀

Shining Force heading back to it’s roots in SF:Feather, Nintendo DS SRPG

Shining Force heading back to it’s roots in SF:Feather, Nintendo DS SRPG

Okay, I’ve been rather out of the loop this last year so I have to say a massive thanks to everyone who’s contacted me about this – it really has got me rather excited!

It looks as though it’s time for me to buy a DS because Sega Japan have recently announced a new addition to the Shining Series, “Shining Force Feather”. What’s even better is that it’s not a Neo/Exa clone. Huzzah!

Now, I could pretend to be well informed and tell you all about it here, but truth be told you’re just as well to check out the news on the sites linked below!

I like the look of this, although it’s not quite the traditional Force style game as movement doesn’t seem to be grid based but instead seems distance/area based (a bit like Warhammer?) and following the selection of an enemy the side-view isn’t just to observe the attack you selected as it was in our old favourites, but instead more like a beat-em-up where you perform attacks on the opponent. Should prove interesting.

This is one I shan’t be dismissing from the onset!

What makes me even happier is that this has come at a time when I have started to feel the need to be here at SFC more often and be more involved again. The last few weeks I have been working on a brand new CMS for the site so that I can completely rebuid & redesign it, allowing for staff members to perform updates etc. Progress is going well (it’s already a damn sight better than the crummy CMS panel I made to add news, which I’m using now!) and I anticipate having it ready in time for the release of Feathers in early 2009! I should also be able to duplicate the CMS to redo my old sites too, but that’s down the line. One thing at a time, Moog 😉

I also started work on re-coding the old Forum RPG system a few months back, and although it’s on the backboiler while I develop the new CMS, the new game is still on the cards and I’m sure you’re going to love it!

Well, it’s time to continue with the new CMS development now.

Keep on Shining – there may be light at the end of the tunnel yet!

Annual Beg 2008 – keep SFC online another year!

Annual Beg 2008 – keep SFC online another year!

Well folks, I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I last posted any news here… and that was a beg too.

I keep meaning to work on some updates, but am lacking in time and motivation at the moment. I have, however, started work on a new shop/RPG system for the forums – which I’m sure I’ll be able to complete this year. I hope to get on with some more of it today.

I’ve also considered splitting the site into 2, SFC Classic (for the original series of games, pre-Shining Soul) and put all the non-gospel Shinings into a seperate site – perhaps letting other members of staff run it as I haven’t had the time or money to play the new games. Just some thoughts.

Anyway, yes… speaking of money, it is indeed that time of year again where my hosting is due for renewal and I need to raise some funds. This year I’m more skint than ever, as following last year’s split with Lee, the legal issues surrounding the sale/split of our house have still not been resolved and I am now paying the mortgage for the house in full myself – on top of my normal cost of living, and despite the fact I can’t live there myself.

I literally have no money at all for the site at this time. Thankfully, a generous donation from a user in the last week has really boosted the SFC coffers and I’m pleased to announce that this year we only need to raise US$80 in the next 6 weeks. I’m sure that’s quite achievable!

Of course, if anyone wants to donate anything extra, I’m so skint I wouldn’t say no 😉 It’s been a while since I last bought myself any new clothes, and even those have been from charity shops. Plus I need a new spinning reel for fishing over the summer!

So, if you can help to raise US$80 in the next 6 weeks… clicky clicky!

Thanks all 🙂

SFC to shutdown?! Annual Beg 2007 – hajime!!

SFC to shutdown?! Annual Beg 2007 – hajime!!

Well folks, it’s that time of year again… hosting payment for SFC is due at the start of June if I recall correctly and this year my beg is more urgent than ever.

In the past I have had at least a little money to add in to the cause myself. This year my situation is entirely different. As many regular SFCers may know, my relationship of over 9 years ended just a couple of months ago, leaving me without my own home, or the financial support I have been accustomed to. My life is very much up in the air and I have next to no money at this point, to last me an indefinate period of time. I cannot go into great detail due to the current legal proceedings regarding the split, but suffice to say I’m skint.

SFC costs US$360 a year in hosting, which is something of a bank-breaker for me now. So, I’m here once again asking you to dig deep and help keep the site going for another year. I know updates have been thin on the ground, with my crumbling relationship having taken priority in recent years, but I know the forums are still very much used, and once my life is in some kind of order again I hope to spend a bit more time on this place. Hope.

So, we’ve got about 4 weeks to raise US$360. I hope we can do it!

Exclusive Shining Force EXA Screenshots – aka Sega USA Recognises SFC!

Exclusive Shining Force EXA Screenshots – aka Sega USA Recognises SFC!

Well folks it has indeed been a very, very long time since I updated here. It’s unbelievable just how quickly the weeks and months fly by as one gets older.

This place may seem to have been forgotten, but I can assure you it has not been. There’s just been so much going on in real life (break-ups, new additions to the family, home improvements, and a recent very sad loss in the family) that this has really taken a lower priority. As I say every time (and do mean sincerely, despite it seldom coming to fruition), I do full intend to get this place up to date at some point ‘when I have the time’ 😉

But, something has come up of late which really does require at least this much of an update. Just before Christmas I found myself receiving Sega USA Press emails, directing me to new footage & features about Shining Force EXA, the latest addition to the series. Now I think you all know where I stand with regard to the newer titles in the series, but I also feel this is an important opportunity to form a relationship of sorts with SoA. I have already been sent a large EXA poster (which no doubt I shall pass on as a competition prize at some point) and been emailed two exclusive screenshots as well as an enquiry as to how to get more coverage for the game here!

So, Sega is at last taking notice and realises that SFC is the main online Shining community. Perhaps we can gain an ear to hear our cries for an old school Force title. Zod knows I’ve mentioned it in all my replies to SoA since they contacted me at the end of last year! 😉

Now, by way of demonstration that I appreciate their interest, that I do still do a thing or two around here and to satisfy those of you who have an interest in EXA, I give you 2 SFC exclusive Shining Force EXA screenshots courtesy of Sega USA!

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Here’s hoping for a review copy, some contest prizes & perhaps a statement with regards to the future/past of the series sometime in the near future.

Many thanks to my contact at Sega USA for his interest in reaching fans of the series through SFC!

Keep on Shining, SFCers!

Can you help? Japanese Translators Needed!

Can you help? Japanese Translators Needed!

If you’re fluent in Japanese and English, we need your help!

The Shining Force III translation patch project is in need of able translators to finish off some missing lines from the Scenario 2 scripts. Although there are a few larger sections to be translated, these are being handled by our dear Aspartate who has done so much for non-Japanese-speaking Shining fans over the years, there are also some 300 other lines which need translating, varying from short and simple to longer and more complex.

This is such an exciting project for us all, it’s a shame so few of us are qualified to help. My minimal Japanese is unlikely to be of use, but perhaps you know rather more than I.

I’m sure there must be at least one or two of you reading this who know Japanese well and could spare some time to work on this. It’s not paid work, but you’ll reap the karmic rewards of helping out your fellow Shining fans.

Perhaps it’s not even you who knows the language – maybe you have a friend or relative who can help. I for one shall be asking Rei if he has time to translate some lines. Do you know anyone that can help?

If you can help, or know someone who’s willing to, head along to this thread and speak up!

Thanks all, and keep on Shining!

10th Anniversary: A look back at the last decade

10th Anniversary: A look back at the last decade

On this day in 1996 – a full ten years ago – I uploaded the first (of what would become many) of my Shining sites… Moogie’s Ultimate Shining Force II Guide. It was not only one of my first sites, but also one of the first Shining sites on the web. The web was much smaller (and tidier!) back then.

It started as a single page, very basic in design. Yellow text, blue background, SFII logo at the top and not much in the way of pictures or screenshots. Back then emulation was not an option, and in order to obtain screenshots I invested in a rather expensive video capture card. I set up my VCR to record me playing SFII, and slowly managed to gather some less than perfect quality screenshots.

The site continued to grow, as did the amount of emails I received asking for help. A FAQ section needed to be started, and an enquiry form to ensure I received all the necessary information to be able to help. Then came the problem of users who didn’t have their own email but still needed to receive a reply. Thus, the ‘Replies Page’ was born, and dutifully every Saturday I would post responses to questions from users without email.

As the site expanded, the design changed several times – not to mention the dodgy screenshots being replaced with nice quality emulator screenshots. Soon enough I found out about Matt Wright’s WWWboard script and went about setting up my first Shining Messageboard. It’s great to see that so many of the original posters are still around at SFC today 🙂

The SFII site may not have had much in the way of updates for some years (it sucks how busy adult life gets) but it’s still going strong and despite the game being over a decade old, The Ultimate Shining Force II Guide still receives well over 150 visitors a day.

It would take me hours to type up the entire history of my Shining sites, and I’m not really sure anyone would want to read it. Suffice to say that over the years I’ve started up a variety of Shining sites – some more successful than others.

Shining Force Central has without a doubt been the biggest success story of my online ‘career’, and in all honesty I am really quite proud of this site. I’m delighted that so many people still love the Shining series and frequent this place. It’s great to know that people still want to see content for games from consoles long dead. We’re a dedicated fanbase and we should all be proud of the community we’ve developed here. What we have today is exactly what I’d hoped for all those years ago when SFC (or TUSRL, as it was originally named!) first started.

“What is TUSRL?”, I hear you cry! It was The UnOfficial Shining Resources List a Shining directory site, linking to all the Shining sites I could find on the web and also with a little bit of an introduction for each game. Today the directory is but a small section of the monster that is SFC, so much has been added… and there’s so much more I’d like to add.

I miss the days when I had so much free time, and I could work on whatever part of the site I wanted to; add new things; chat with other fans; do a redesign on a whim… those days are gone. Adult life has taken over and I no longer have the time I’d like to be able to keep this site as fresh as I used to 🙁 The last year has been blatant evidence of this.

However, I shall perservere! Although I have not had the time to do much on the SFC site update panel (which selected members of SFC staff will be able to use to update areas of the site), it will be done. I know, that’s been said about many things – SFII site redesign, SFI site overhaul and update, SSII site… I could go on 😉 I still intend to do them, but it’s all about time. I’d be lying if I said there aren’t occasions when I think about just deleting the site and putting it behind me, not having to worry about keeping it updated. Don’t worry though – I know that’s not the right thing to do. The site is still thriving despite the lack of updates, and no doubt this is due to the SFC Forum Community. I know that even if the main site never had another update, the content would still be valued and the forums still active, thus SFC remains. That’s not all the SFC Forum-goers have to be thanked for though – so far we have raised almost US$250 towards the US$360 hosting bill for the next year, and this takes a lot of pressure off of me financially.

Over the years the SFC community has achieved quite a lot:

  • Translations – we’ve seen scripts for Shining Force III and Shining Force Gaiden III translated and even inserted into the games to some degree. Fantastic work, and a real community effort.
  • Campaigns – gathered postal letters, online signatures, printed emails and made professional campaign packages to raise awareness of the desire for a new Shining game. Some very positive responses were received from Sega, and we have indeed seen the continuation of our beloved series… even if it’s not quite as we hoped.

  • Relationships – SFC has formed a relationship with Camelot Software Planning, which has allowed fans to ask questions of the staff there in an interview and also been a source of contest prizes. Not only have Camelot provided prizes, but also the kind folks at Working Designs and Half Quarter.

  • Praise – SFC has been complemented by various respected companies and peoples – Sega Japan and USA have commented on the quality and dedication of the site. Camelot Software Planning considered it worthy of a site link, as did Sega Europe for a time. Hiroshi Kajiyama (artist for SFCD and Scenarios 2 and 3) was impressed by the site and wanted to arrange to sell Shining artwork through it (sadly this never came to fruition). There may be more that slip my mind 😉

  • Assistance – Atlus were so kind as to allow me to advise on some translation/consistency issues within the scripts of Shining Soul I & II. I also had this opportunity for RotDD, but unfortunately due to my other half’s hospitalisation, I was unable to have this done in time for production. They were also kind enough to provide pre-release review copies, exclusive news and allowed me to post the first good quality shots of RotDD at SFC.

It’s been so long… there’s probably much more that I’ve forgotten to mention. Most importantly of all though, SFC has created a great many friendships. Some of us have met up in real life, and I’m sure more of us will do so over the years. We’re a great community, and even those who leave will always end up dropping back in at some point. You know it’s true 😉

I could write so much more here, but I think I’ll leave that for you guys – this is a good place to discuss days gone by, both here and at my other sites. Let’s not let this turn into some kind of oldbie/newbie war – not that I see that sort of thing going on here these days, this place seems to be quite well under control (thanks to the forum staff and sensible members :)). Let’s just see some fun reminiscing… maybe someone wants to crack out the WayBackMachine? I wish it had my original SFII site in it, I don’t think I have a copy of that anywhere 🙁 … except maybe a few print-outs!

Some things you might remember if you’re from the very early days (Pipex, Dragonfire, Geocities):
-Arc Valley, my alternate SFII site which used a rather tacky navigation system & design
-The Tavern chat system
-An impersonator posting that they were me, and that I was pregnant
-JKM coming out
-OddEye1982 (did I remember it right?) and his flame wars
-Dark Zombie’s death

Some things from the middling days (
-WWWboard at SFC
-The return of OddEye1982
-Dark Zombie’s return!
-The Campaign: Phases I & II
-Board Wars …and the subsequent SFC shutdown

…and more recently (Practical Hosting [boo, hiss! stole my money!] and SmooveNET [so good I could kiss them]):
-Buggery hosts causing over a month of downtime
-phpBB & the RPG system I built for it
-The newbie troubles that came with the RPG system
-Item collections, screen/avie changers
-Members sneaking in to the new forums before they officially opened

What do you remember?

Whatever you remember, remember this: other sites have come and gone. SFC remains 🙂 …and it’s because of you… nay, we, the community 😀

Annual Hosting Beg!

Annual Hosting Beg!

Well folks, it’s happened again. Hosting renewal time has crept up on me once again and in a month I am due to pay US$360 to Smoove for the next year of hosting SFC.

I recognise that I have been very slack with updates on the site in the last year, and that the staff control panel for updating the site is nowhere near to complete, so can understand if not many of you wish to donate this year.

I should say, however, that I am skint as far as finances for the site go at the moment. My new kitchen is being fitted soon and the bill for that is wiping out my finances, not to mention the Madonna tickets I owed my sister and have just paid out for.

I would like to keep the site running and indeed get the update panel… er… updated, so that SFC can continue to develop and grow. Although the 10th Anniversary of my running Shining sites is coming up, I am no longer quitting the site, just taking a back seat, rather like I have this last year 😉 …but hopefully the site will see rather more updates in the next year than the last.

So, one month and US$360 to raise. Can we do it? Let’s try! Every dollar helps 🙂 I’m just sorry I’ve got nothing (well, apart from the US$20 sitting in my PayPal account) to contribute at the moment.

SFIII Premium Disc Translation!

SFIII Premium Disc Translation!

A quick update I’m afraid, as much like usual I am short on time today!

I wish I had time to try this new wonder out for myself, but it will have to wait until later. Meanwhile I’m sure you’ll all enjoy it very much.

KnightOfDragon and his crew of eager SFIII Translation Patchers are due many thanks from us all. Because of their efforts, the Premium Disc is now mostly translated. This certainly bodes well for the Scenario 2 translation patch project!

For full details and the downloads, please refer to the original SFC topic.

Nice work KoD and co!

While I’m here, I’ll also put in a quick plug that Tatakai is progressing very well and should hopefully see another test release soon, along with my completed test MOD. We need to take a break from adding stuff and tinkering so everyone else can have a play 😉

The future of SFC

The future of SFC

Just a little update, since there hasn’t been one in ages!

As is probably quite apparent, my life has been as busyas as (if not moreso than) usual. But, the day draws near that SFC is to be handed over to someone else.

Or does it?

As you may have read in various discussions at the forums, there doesn’t appear to be any one person able to take on the role & expense – I suppose this is to be expected, most sites of this size have a group of staff members for maintaining the site.

So, here’s the plan as it stands. SFC already has a (very minimal) content management system which can be accessed by selected members, thus enabling them to perform site updates. All I need to do (which makes it sound like a small task, as opposed to the fairly mammoth one it is ;)) is expand the content management system to encompass most (if not all) areas of the site, and allow different levels of access to different users.

In this way, members (subject to approval) will be able to post news, maintain the site directory, add comics, merchandise, etc etc.

I had always planned to expand the system for whoever took on the site after me, but just haven’t had enough time over the last year – it’s been busy.

Anyway, it looks like SFC will still be my baby for some time to come – but I will do my best to make sure that at least the news system is ready for the May “handover”, so that I can appoint some relevant users to perform basic updates. Ugh, I dread to think how much news this site is missing from the last year while I’ve not had so much time or interest. Sorry folks. In my defence, it’d mostly be about Neo – and we don’t care about that do we? 😉 Just kidding, I know some of you do!

So, SFC’s content may be updated by other users in future, but the site itself (and thus the cost of it ;)) remains mine – essentially allowing me as much or as little involvement as I please. I can do a redesign if I have the time and inclination, I can add bits and pieces easily if I fancy it… or I can just let other people do updates as needed.

Sounds good? Hope you don’t all feel I’ve lied about giving the site up or that I never intended to – I absolutely did, but it just hasn’t panned out that way, and I’m not going to let the last decade of work go down the drain!

Will I ever bow out completely? Time will tell! But for the foreseeable future, SFC belongs to its members, and to me 🙂