SFC Annual Beg 2014! Need to raise US$360

SFC Annual Beg 2014! Need to raise US$360

SFC Annual Beg 2014! Need to raise US$360

I've always hoped that one day I'd be well off enough to just cover the hosting bill for this site myself. Unfortunately life keeps handing me lemons, and lemonade doesn't pay the bills!


This last year has been a bit of a strange one for me, and I've not been at the forum much. My husband and I moved house at the start of the year, a process which began some months prior. As if this wasn't stressful enough – packing up all our stuff and taking on a bigger mortgage, this year has decided to be particularly unkind. Shortly after the move I was diagnosed as having extensive bilateral massive pulmonary emboli – many large blood clots on my lungs. No wonder I hadn't felt well during the move! Had it not been spotted (I was misdiagnosed twice over the course of a couple of months) when it was I wouldn't be here to tell the tale. Recovery is slow and difficult – very frustrating too – I can't work as much as I used to, and of course “don't work, don't get paid” when you're a contract worker & self employed. As if that wasn't bad enough my husband was made redundant in April and has had to take a job on less money. You'd think that's enough bad news for one year, but the horrible, mouldy cherry on top of the miserable cake which is 2014 was the death of my dear cat Phoebe after almost 17 years together.


Argh! I really can't wait for 2014 to be over.


Anyway, what with trying to keep up with enough work to keep our heads above the water and feeling exhausted all the time from my 'serious medical event' as the doctors call it and being back and forth to hospital and the doctors surgery for regular check-ups and follow-up tests I've had no time at all for SFC. I've tried to deal with emergencies when folks have contacted me about them but that's all. Sorry. Then I suddenly realised we must be due for hosting renewal soon.

So, here it is. The 2014 SFC Annual Beg. We need to cover the hosting bill of $360 n time for the invoice towards the end of September. I must have a built-in timer or something after all these years, as that gives us 6 weeks. It always seems to be 6 weeks!


Anyway, I hope life has been rather more kind to all of you this year and that you're still enjoying SFC and finding pleasure in the old Shining games – long may they live on! 🙂




SFC Annual Beg 2013! Need to raise US$330

SFC Annual Beg 2013! Need to raise US$330

SFC Annual Beg 2013! Need to raise US$330

…and there goes another year.

Yes folks, it's that time of year again – the Annual Beg. It seems like only yesterday I put up last year's beg. I've barely been here in the last year, but it seems people still use the site. So, if you want to keep using the site over the  next year please do consider contributing to the costs of running the site.

If however you feel it's time for the site to be closed down due to inactivity – not only on the site but with the series itself and the direction it has taken, I'd like to know. If the site is no longer wanted or needed and the series is essentially dead to many of us then maybe it's time to say goodbye to SFC? It's had a good life.

Due to a donation received earlier in the year, we are now only looking to raise US$330 instead of the full $360. The invoice is due by October 1st, so we've got about 7 weeks to raise the funds.

UPDATE 16th August 2013

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to this year's beg! We have now raised enough funds & I have requested the hosting invoice so it can be paid early! SFC shall live another year at least 🙂

SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

SFC Annual Beg 2012: Looking to raise US$300!

My goodness how quickly the years go by!

Yes folks, it’s that time of year again – the Annual Beg. Though I may not be as active at SFC in recent years I’m sure you all know I do still work hard on this place 🙂 Last year I launched the new SFC site design and in the last few days many of you have been playing with the SFC Forum RPG which I’ve been developing over the last 4 years, though the majority of the work on it was completed in the last 5 months.

Once again it’s a little short notice, I got so caught up in the RPG development that I lost track of time. Plus, I managed to win a free month’s hosting which I thought would be tacked onto the end of my current year of hosting… but I was wrong, it comes in the form of a discount on my next invoice.

I also had a little contribution through from a member earlier in the year which I have done my best to squirrel away and therefore this year’s Beg Target is lower than usual – woohoo! This year we’re looking to raise US$300.

If you’ve got some spare PayPal funds and would like to help contribute towards keeping SFC online for another year, you can do so by clicking on the picture below. Thanks for your ongoing support!

UPDATE 8th September 2012 16:43
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2012 Annual Beg – we reached the target so quickly I can hardly believe it! The invoice is paid and SFC shall live on for another year!

SFC Forum RPG launches after 4 years in the making!

SFC Forum RPG launches after 4 years in the making!

SFC Forum RPG launches after 4 years in the making!

Well folks, it’s taken a long time but it’s here at last!

Some of you may remember the RPG/shop system we had on a previous incarnation of the SFC forums about 10 years ago. I’ve now completely re-coded it from scratch to bring you a new and improved version!

I began work on this over 4 years ago, but to be honest the vast majority of the development has happened in the last 5 months, with extensive testing by a group of SFC forum members over the last couple of weeks. There may still be a blip or two, so please bear with me if you find anything which needs fixing!

I could spend ages typing up the features and options available in the game, but it’s probably easier if I just direct you to the new forum dedicated to the RPG system, which includes a handy introduction and guide for new players.

Please bear in mind that the game is only simple and designed as an entertaining distraction for forum members. It’s not some high-end super fancy amazing new game – but it is a bit of fun!

So, without further ado, I present you with the SFC Forum RPG and it’s new dedicated discussion forum.

SFC Hosting Renewal: we’re searching the realm for US$360!

SFC Hosting Renewal: we’re searching the realm for US$360!

SFC Hosting Renewal: we’re searching the realm for US$360!

Well folks time really does go by faster the older you get…

It’s that time of year again – the hosting renewal for SFC is due by October 1st, giving us a little over 4 weeks to reach the hosting bill of US$360. With all the work on getting SFC rebuilt I sort of forgot how soon the payment was due – so this is all a bit short notice I’m afraid.

The SFC family of sites has grown again in the last year, taking on the Shining Wiki site as well as One Thing Shining, a fantastic Shining Wisdom guide which needed a home. SFC itself has undergone a total overhaul including the forums, and there are still more features planned (including the return of the RPG & Shop System, which I’ve been recoding). SFC also hosts the Shining Force III Translation Project and the Shining Only: UK fan meetup site.

If you’ve got some spare PayPal funds and would like to help contribute towards keeping SFC online for another year, you can do so by clicking on the picture below. Thanks for your ongoing support!


September 8th 2011 – We have now raised sufficient funds to cover the next year of hosting! Huge thanks to everyone has contributed this year 🙂

SFC Shines on: new site design finally launches!

SFC Shines on: new site design finally launches!

SFC Shines on: new site design finally launches!

Well folks, it’s been a very long time coming, but it’s here at last – the new, improved SFC!

My free time over the last 4 years hasn’t been quite what it used to be, but I’ve been working hard on SFC’s new custom CMS and new site layout on and off for all that time.

I’ve still a lot of data to add and update, but I decided that the site is now far enough along to launch – otherwise I shall be completely sick of the sight of it before it even goes live on the web 😉

Perhaps not a great deal has changed content-wise, but the new CMS is almost finished and will allow me to set up additional staff members to update the site – hopefully this will mean fresher content and more updates even when I’m not able to do as much here myself as I’d like to.

Here’s a quick list of what’s new or changed:

  • News is no longer just for news, but for features in general, allowing staffers to post articles and musings about the series in times of little or no actual Shining news. Got some good ideas for future features already!
  • The Game Reviews section will soon be accepting submissions from SFCers.
  • Shining Videos are now hosted on YouTube to save on bandwidth and disk space – this has also allowed me to more easily embed the videos into the pages for a nicer look!
  • Magazine Articles are now converted into PDFs, meaning no more need to download individual pages.
  • We’ve got Polls again, and updated Shining product links/adverts throughout the site.
  • Shining Studies now includes the SFIII HQ Bookshelves translations as well as the Character Name translations (these were removed from the old site, with plans to add them via the Shining Electronic Encyclopedia (“SEE”) which never really got off the ground. We’ve also got the Shining Races page back which had been lost for the same reason.
  • Shopping links, Series Introduction & Series Developers pages have been updated.
  • The Links Directory has been overhauled, making it much more simple for members to suggest new links and report dead ones. Staffers can now easily remove dead links and approve new links. We’ve also now got a links rating system, so you can vote for your favourite Shining sites and help organise the links by their quality.
  • Various pages in Site Information have been updated.
  • Competitions and Greetings cards have been (temporarily?) removed while I consider how important they are for the site and think about rebuilding these areas.
  • We now have a twitter feed to allow for quick news updates, which are displayed on the main page. I plan to allow other staffers access to this account once I’ve got the CMS into a sufficiently usable state for them 😉

Please bear with me while I get data added for the newer games in the series and sort out member submissions for Fanart, FAQs etc. I may take the easy option and set up a forum for such submissions rather than setting up submissions via the site & CMS. We’ll see what time I have 🙂

Right, time for me to prep the files and hope all is well with moving this site from its test location… eeek! It’s a bit scary going live now, it’s been so long in the works. Wish me luck, and let me know if anything’s broken *fingers crossed*

Win a Special Edition Yogurt Plushie!

Win a Special Edition Yogurt Plushie!

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last few months the Shining Force: SOS Campaign is drawing close to its end – the middle of March. In a bid to drum up a bit more support I have been hard at work on my sewing machine (and indeed with a needle and thread!) making two Shining Force: SOS Special Edition Yogurt Plushies!

One plushie will be sent to Camelot with the other fan mail & goodies, but the other will be included in the prize draw for Campaign supporters.

So, the prize draw as it stands has the following as prizes:

  • Sega Official Limited Edition Shining Soul II Yogurt GBA Pouch (only 100 made, worth around US$200)
  • Shining Force for Sega Mega Drive
  • Shining Force II for Sega Mega Drive
  • Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon for GBA
  • Special Edition Yogurt Plushie

To have a chance of winning all you need to do is support the Shining Force: Save our Series campaign by making a campaign video and/or sending a fan letter by post. Full details of how to go about this are on the Campaign website. If you send both a letter and a video, you’ll have not one but two chances to win!

For more pictures of the Yogurt plushie, click here 🙂

So, what are you waiting for? Help to Save our Series and you could win!

In other news, we recently switched forums from an ancient IPB to phpBB. All accounts and old posts have been ported over (although a few oddities remain!) – please log in to the new forums as soon as you can, to allow it to update your stored password to a more secure format.

Due to the forum switch and the fact that I am still not finished with the main SFC site overhaul, updating the news is now a bit awkward, so bear with me if there aren’t many updates (as if that’s unusual ;)) in the next month or so before the new site is ready!

Shining in the Darkness Script added

Shining in the Darkness Script added

Many thanks to SFCer Martin III, who typed up the SitD script a couple of years ago and posted it on the SitD Forum.

I know I’ve been slack the last few years, but am finally starting to catch up here a little bit at a time. Over my lunch break today I’ve prepped the script for addition to the site and have imported it – shazam!

So, the script is now available in the scripts section here at SFC, complete with pictures for most of the characters.

I could do with in-game pictures for the following characters as I don’t seem to have many SitD screenshots to hand (only played it on the console, not emulated!) – if anyone can provide them that would be great!
Princess Jessa, Jessa Doppler,Xern, Spirit of the Fountain and Mortred.
I could also do with a better picture of Pyra, the one I’m using has her name over it.

Thanks again to Martin, and sorry it’s taken me so long to add it. Nice work mate 🙂

US$360 Hosting due end of September – can you help?!

US$360 Hosting due end of September – can you help?!

Hi all and welcome to SFC’s Annual Beg!

As you all know I’m still working on the new CMS for the site, along with the new design & new RPG/shop system. I’ve been dead busy with work all year and haven’t done much for the last few months, but plan to have more time for it again towards then end of the year when things get quiet at work again. I’ve been so busy that this is my first day off in almost 3 months. So I thought I’d best make the most of actually having some time, and put up the beg 😉 I may spend some of today working on the rebuild, or I might treat myself to some gaming time, and pick up where I left off on STHA!

Since moving to the new server last September, SFC has taken on the SFIII Translation Project website, as well as having another new hostee planned (sorry I haven’t had the time to set that up for you yet dude!!) with a fab Shining site. We’re also now hosting Shining Only: UK, where plans for UK Shining fan meets are arranged. I’m so glad to be able to offer hosting to Shining sites who need it, and of course I don’t charge anything for it. The SFC server has been almost entirely fan funded for some years now, so I’m trying to give back where I can 🙂

Anyhoo, long story short, the next year of hosting fees is due at the end of September. So, if you’ve got a few spare dollars kicking around in PayPal, every little helps!

SFC Hosting due in 1 week, help us raise US$360!

SFC Hosting due in 1 week, help us raise US$360!

Well folks, it’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s well beyond that time of year. Normally I’d’ve started this beg months ago.

You see, several months ago I was contacted by a kindly fellow who volunteered to pay for the next year of hosting when it was due. I had no reason to doubt this fellow, having stayed in contact by email & mobile phone and he also bought me SF:Feather as a thank you for my work on the site. I don’t know what’s happened, but having tried to reach him several times in the last month or so I’ve had no response. Although I don’t think it was his intention to let us down, I find myself with no choice now but to launch a beg. I’ve planned on moving the site to a new host since Smoove have not been up to their former high standards of late and now I have only a week left in which to pick the host (which will now be solely based on how much money I can raise – I have a choice of two hosts), transfer the entire site over and get it up and running. I’d hoped to have an extra month to trial the new host first and ensure it’s the right place for SFC. If I raise sufficient I will try to do this by staying with Smoove an extra month while running the forums on the new host.

Over the last year I’ve been working hard on the SFC CMS in all the spare time I can find, and it is certainly coming along well. I’d like to think that over Christmas (when there’s not much fishing to be had!) I’ll be able to finish it off, but in reality the project may take longer if it’s to be able to do everything I hope. Once it’s finished, selected site members will be able to update areas of the main site, keeping the content fresh like it always used to be. I’ve also planned out the new site design as many of you at the forums will have seen. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the draft (note I plan on implementing a colour selector of sorts



It’s not often you’ll find me SHOUTING online, but this time I really feel I need to!

In case it wasn’t already apparent, SFC needs a new host. SmooveNET, the current host, has been rather lacking in it’s support department (weeks to respond, if at all; regular downtime…) for the last year and I’ve had enough. Others are jumping ship too.

The question is, where can SFC go where it will be welcome? Fansites in general can struggle to find decent hosts because of the amount of content which is of questionable legality due to copyright. The very nature of a fansite is to include materials about someone else’s products, be it a videogame, movie or TV series.

SFC hosts a great many images, magazine scans, screenshots and game scripts, not to mention the hosting of patch files for the game ROMs and ISOs (though I must point out I do not host any ROMs or ISOs here, nor will I as long as they are so blatantly illegal). I do however include links to MP3 files on other servers. A great many hosts seem to even frown on this, classing it as the ‘facilitating of copyright infringement’. How a host can complain about what a website owner links to is beyond me!

So, who’d have us with content like that? I can’t get permission from the companies involved (ie, Sega, Nintendo, Camelot etc) although they have on several occasions complimented the site, offered news exclusives and donated prizes. If that doesn’t ring of some kind of approval I don’t know what does.

I don’t want to move the site only to find it getting shut down because of the content.

Similarly I’m very cautious about hosts who offer ‘unlimited’ bandwidth and disk space. Usually they have some kind of fair usage policy and can still shut a site down if they feel the use is excessive. How is this ‘unlimited’?! So, I’d prefer a host which is up front about the usage figures.

Of those few hosts who seem to genuinely allow large volumes of traffic, most seem to have some kind of limit on the amount of files that can be hosted. While I don’t see SFC hitting these limits, I prefer not to have them in place if they’re going to seem like low numbers – 50,000 or so – especially when each email received on the domain counts towards the file limit.

I’ve only got about a month in which to find a new host. So far it’s proving quite tricky. I’ve been recommended the likes of Bluehost, 1&1, Pinchhost and HostGator. Most of these seem not to be ideal for the site’s needs. DreamHost looks ok, but still has rules on copyright issues and linking to such content.

I’m not looking for free hosting. Not even for dead cheap hosting. I’d happily take on a VPS or similar if it fell within budget.

So, here’s what SFC needs – can you recommend a host or do you know someone who could offer this kind of hosting?

– US or UK based server
– at least 2.5GB of space (more preferable)
– at least 50GB bandwidth per month (200GB+ preferable)
– php, mysql (probably 10 databases or so would do – no size limit please)
– subdomains (at least 5)
– fairly relaxed rules on content
– fast tech support, reliable server
– monthly cost of US$30 per month at most

Or should I just give up and stick with Smoove? >.<;; Tasukete!!

Looking for a new host – any suggestions?

Looking for a new host – any suggestions?

Well, after all these years it may finally be time for SFC to move host again. The service myself and other Smoove customers at SFC have been receiving has not been up to their old standards over the past couple of years. Downtime has increased, errors are on the up and with the credit crunch it would be nice to have a lower bill too.

Smoove has always had its benefits and in some respects I am loathe to move because despite downtime, I know SFC is safe here as regards my hosting of Shining artwork and other such ‘copyrighted’ (but now rather unlikely to be causing anyone any losses) materials, the hosting of the translation project, linking to MP3s etc. They’re also very good about bandwidth, space etc and will usually increase it if needed – no risk of the site being closed.

But, with downtime increasing and tech support not being what it was, I really do need to consider a move.

So, I’m looking for recommendations for a new host. Here’s what I’m looking for:

– at least 2.5GB of space (more preferable)
– at least 50GB bandwidth per month (200GB+ preferable)
– php, mysql (probably 10 databases or so would do)
– subdomains (at least 5)
– fairly relaxed rules on content
– fast tech support, reliable server
– monthly cost of US$30 per month at most

It would also be nice to be able to offer sub-hosting on SFC to other Shining fansites – for free or a minimal cost I’d imagine.

I’ve looked around online and most of the places I’ve found which seem to fit the bill have very mixed reviews and often it seems those who seem to offer a lot (eg, ‘unlimited’ bandwidth/space) for a low price actually don’t like it if their hostees really use that much. So, I’d like recommendations if possible from people who have similar size sites on a good host.

Or, perhaps you run a server yourself and can offer the above?

There are also a number of other Smoove hostees looking to jump ship at the moment who may well be interested in hosting – possibly something comparable to the Smoove basic hosting package.

For full details of the Smoove packages for comparison to your own suggestions, click here.