It’s been a long while in the making, but it’s finally ready 🙂
Yes, after two months of work, the new, improved SFC is here. There’s so much I’ve added while developing it that I’m sure I won’t be able to list it all here, but I’ll certainly give you an overview of what’s new!
For starters, the site is now PHP based, making it much quicker for me to make global site changes. We’re also on a new server, many thanks to Practical Hosting for their excellent hosting deal! So, things should be generally running much faster, and with far fewer ads.
Here are some of the noticable changes at the new SFC!
- New design (like that wasn’t obvious!)
- Release Information added to game introduction pages
- Artwork sections now include image thumbnails
- Shining magazine article scans now available
- Existing areas expanded/added to (Fan Art, Downloads, Reviews, Collectables, Game Scripts)
- Database of site listings updated, now just over 400 sites listed & categorised
- New site listing category added – Fan Fiction
- Information about the series developers added
- “Where to buy…” page now has far more listings
- Page about Shining Emulation added
- Prominent link for major fan-game site added
- Prominent link for Shining
- MP3s/soundtrack info added
- Page about games similar to the
- Shining Force games added
- New SFC Introduction written
- Polls, Comics, Contests and News now properly archived
- “About Moogie” page updated
- Collection updated, now with “want list”
- Shining Chronology has expanded into a whole new section, called “Shining Studies”, covering all sorts of extra information about the games and their development
…and those are just the things that spring to mind! Far more has been added, and the only way to see it is to take a good browse around the new site.
Note that all of my other Shining sites have now been relocated to this domain, and can be accessed at the following URLs:
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Final Conflict
I hope you enjoy the new SFC – feedback is of course welcome!