A plea to SFC visitors!

A plea to SFC visitors!

Since Lee’s going to be home in a few minutes, I’d best make this last bit brief for now…

As we’re about to buy a new home, finances at the moment are a little uncertain and I don’t have much to spare right now. Unfortunately it is also coming up to the time for my yearly hosting renewal (has it been so long already? Doesn’t time fly as you get older!) … meaning I’m about to get a bill for US$300, which I don’t have at the moment. So, here comes the yearly beg for a bit of help from those who appreciate the site (and its lack of blatant/annoying advertising/pop ups etc 😉 ) … if you can donate a dollar, or whatever you can spare, via PayPal, it will help to keep this site running for another year. I know updates have been few and far between these last few months, but that is just due to the problems in real life recently, and as you may be able to tell from the updates over the last few days, things are back on track again 🙂

So, please dig as deep as you are able, and maybe I’ll be able to stop begging soon 😉 *lol* Thanks folks!

Here’s the donate button again!

Help Keep SFC Online!

Want to support the site in some other way? Clicky-clicky!

More Scripts & a STHA Summary at last!!

More Scripts & a STHA Summary at last!!

Magnus Andersson… now there’s a name you’ve seen here a lot recently! “What wonders has he done for us this time?!” I hear you cry! Remember the Shining Wisdom UK script he provided last week? Well, he’s now played through the game again and typed up the villager dialogues too! They are now available in the relevant sections of the script. Great stuff as always, Magnus!

Want to donate to help fund Magnus’ Scenario 3 translation? Scroll down…

Today we also have another long-awaited addition to SFC – a storyline summary for Shining the Holy Ark. May in the past have offered to write one, but none have come through until now – so huge thanks go to Weaver Sparda for this excellent contribution!

I shall be sending some suggested script alterations to Atlus for the SF GBA remake shortly… but I can tell you one thing for certain – this game is going to sell like hot cakes! It’s mighty fine 🙂

And, finally, for those of you wondering how my man is doing in hospital – he is finally due for some surgery tomorrow. He’s last on the list and will apparently be in a lot of pain following the operation, but given a few days he should be doing much much better. Thanks again for bearing with me over this last month, it’s not been the easiest of months for either of us. When he gets home, I doubt I’ll have much time to update the site until he’s back at work… so this may be the last you hear from me for a few weeks, or even a few months. We just need to see how long he needs to recover from this ordeal.

More Script & Translations!

More Script & Translations!

Once again SFC and its visitors owe a big thanks to Magnus Andersson for his contributions… Magnus has excelled himself this time, not only providing the rest of Scenario 3 Section 6:1 & the majority of Section 6:4, but also having spent a few days typing out the complete script for Shining Wisdom’s UK version! He has chosen to omit the conversations with townspeople, but nonetheless this is a wonderful addition to the site. He also plans to complete the USA script, for which I’ll be lending him my USA Shining Wisdom disc. Great stuff!

Want to donate to help fund the Scenario 3 translation? Scroll down…

As for my recent announcement about receiving a preview copy of Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon, it seems I misunderstood Atlus’ intent with the preview – it was a favour to me to have a personal sneak-peek, and apparently I am the first media type to receive a copy. As such I’m not permitted to post any further screenshots, movies, sound clips etc at this time. But rest assured I have a good selection ready for when they give me the go-ahead. Huge thanks again to my friends at Atlus for being so kind as to let me take a look.

I can, however, tell you that I’m very pleased with the game so far – it’s really retained the feel of the original game, while adding extra features (which don’t detract from the game as a whole either). The music is basically true to the original, but slightly enhanced ala Shining Force CD, and the graphics really do look nice – though the updated portraits and new graphic style used in the attack scenes will take some getting used to, it comes out very well on the GBA’s screen. I think this one is going to sell like hot cakes – let’s make it top the charts, eh folks?!

And, for those of you who are wondering how my dearly beloved is doing, he’s finally been transferred to the other hospital this morning, for surgery in the next day or so. I’ve not seen him today (hence time to get these updates done!), but will be visiting him tomorrow – hopefully all patched up and ready for a few days observation before coming back home at last!

More Sc3 Translation… donations welcome!

More Sc3 Translation… donations welcome!

Once again SFC sends a big thank you to Magnus Andersson, as he has once again kindly provided us with more translated sections of the Scenario 3 script! Today we have the rest of section 5:3, complete section 5:4, a missing part of 5:5 and the first part of 6:1. Great stuff as usual!
Magnus hasn’t wanted anything said about this publically until now, but he has been footing the bill for these translations himself – paying a Japanese friend to take the time to translate them to Swedish, and then he is spending his free time translating them to English. Some might expect the translations to be less accurate due to this, but I think you’ll agree they’re all very good – and it may surpsise you to know that Lineage went about his translations the same sort of way, a 2-language-step translation.

Magnus hopes to have the rest of the missing Scenario 3 sections finished by the end of February – and is very willing to have the unlisted sections translated too, such as villager dialogue, smaller sections, and missing parts of Scenario 2’s script… but, obviously he has already spent a lot of money on this, and is therefore wondering whether any SFC visitors might be willing to contribute a some money via PayPal towards future translations. He doesn’t have PayPal himself, but I am able to accept payments for him, which I will then arrange to transfer to his bank or send to him in some other way. Rest assured that this is not for profit on his part, but to cover the costs of more translation. I for one will be sending him some 🙂 The relevant button is below. If you choose to donate without using this button, please be sure to make a comment in the donation so that I know it’s for Magnus and not for SFC!

And, if anyone wants to donate to SFC itself while they’re at it, feel free to, the information you need is here 😉
Thanks again Magnus, great work!

Yet More Scenario 3 Script

Yet More Scenario 3 Script

Once again, our thanks are due to Magnus Andersson for some new additions to the Scenario 3 Script – Chapter 5:1 (second half), 5:2 and the missing part of 5:3, less a few lines at the end which aren’t translated yet. Top stuff as usual, Magnus!

More Scenario 3 Script

More Scenario 3 Script

More thanks are due to Magnus Andersson for the two new sections in the Scenario 3 Script – Chapter 4:5 and 5:1. Excellent work as usual! Apparently section 1 of Chapter 5 (Maya Village) is very long, and as such only a part of it is currently available, while the rest is being translated. Nonetheless, a lot of reading for us all 😉 Thanks again, Magnus!

On an unrelated note, due to how busy I’m going to be in these last couple of weeks before Christmas, I’ve decided I’ll not start a new contest until the New Year. Sorry about that!

Regular Update

Regular Update

A little delayed, but worth the wait I hope you’ll agree – we have a new MP3, new Poll & the Christmas Contest 2003 has finally been launched! Good luck! 😀

Currently working on a new Comic Strip, and considering making a new Christmas Comic series for this year – hence the poll 😉

In a bit of off-site news, Olivier’s Shining MP3 site has recently been updated to include in-game MP3s from Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining Force CD (all courtesy of SFC forum-goer Grom, nice work dude!) and the Shining Force III Premium Disc.

Scenario Scripts & Summaries

Scenario Scripts & Summaries

While the forums were down, DamonD was hard at work… he’s revised his chapter summaries for Shining Force III Scenario 2 up to Chapter 5, and also revised, retranslated and added to much of the Scenario 2 script, again up to Chapter 5. Great work Damon!

I will endeavour to get the Christmas contest started tomorrow, and get some regular updates done 🙂

Regular Update

Regular Update

New MP3, new poll and, most important – the Christmas Contest winners have been announced!

On top of those usual bits, we also have some new sections in Chapter 4 of the Scenario 3 Script, courtesy once again of Magnus Andersson. Great stuff!
Not quite as much ready for today as I’d hoped, but in the next week I’ll be adding some more, including: new merchandise; updating my collection and more magazine articles. Will also get the new contest online ASAP 🙂

It seems I’ll be disappointing a lot of you this year, as I’m afraid I’ve not had time to put a Christmas Comic series together, however I do have the entire story planned and will work on it throughout this year to put up for Christmas 2004!

Also, expect to see a major update to my Shining Force Guide in the next few months, as well as the addition of a new site dedicated to Shining Soul II (which I’d like to get online in advance of the planned US release :)).

Various updates!

Various updates!

As promised yesterday, I’ve prepared a bunch of updates for you all to enjoy 🙂 I hope I can get these online, as I’ve been having FTP problems this morning 🙁 Well, I guess if you’re reading this, I got it all uploaded okay 😉

  • Contest winner announced
  • Christmas contest on the way…
  • SFIII Scenario 3 Chapter 4 section 1 translation provided by Magnus Andersson
  • Collectables/collection pages updated.
  • Shining Soul USA cover scans added
  • New poll & new MP3 added (sorry, no comic yet!)

Old news, polls & contests archived
I’ll get the rest of the Christmas Contest page up ASAP, right now I need to focus on getting the forums open again 🙂

Update coming tomorrow!

Update coming tomorrow!

Right, now my other half is back at work, I can get on with some site updates 🙂 Got several bits planned for tomorrow (had hoped to do them today, but ran out of time to finish them off), including the following:

  • Contest winner to be announced (sorry about the delay on this).
  • Christmas contest (with lots of cool prizes!) to begin early, so the prizes can hopefully be sent out pre-Christmas!
  • More translations to be added.
  • Collectables/collection pages to be updated.
  • Shining Soul USA cover scans etc to be added.
  • New poll, MP3 and (hopefully) comic!
  • News to be archived.
  • Forums to re-open!

I might even try to get some more SSII USA screenshots online 😉

Well, that oughta keep me pretty busy… but, if I get through all that and have some time to spare, maybe I’ll even start putting my SSII site together – the guide is coming along well 🙂