More Sc2 translation & SFIII Site News!

More Sc2 translation & SFIII Site News!

Damon D has once again been working on the translation of Scenario 2, and has finished off the villager’s conversations in the Dusty Village script section.

In other Shining Force III news, you might have noticed recently that The Home of the Shining Force (Wolfgang’s great site) has vanished! Unfortunately, his host was recently shut down and he has had to relocate. But, as we’ve almost come to expect from Wolfgang, a new URL brings with it a new addition to his site, and this time is no exception – he’s working on a new Shining Force III site, with absolutely loads of pictures from in the game itself. I’ve yet to update the links in the database, and don’t have time right now, but I’m sure you can find your way there from this new link to his site! Great work Wolfgang, can’t wait to see how the SFIII site progresses in the coming weeks while you finish it off!

Wolfgang’s Site

More Scenario 2 stuff!

More Scenario 2 stuff!

More thanks are owed to Damon D today, as he’s now supplied his revised summary of Scenario 2’s first chapter! More will be added as he supplies them, so keep an eye on the site! Damon has also revised the villagers’ text for the Dusty Village script section.

More Scenario 2 Translation…

More Scenario 2 Translation…

It seems the interest in translating the missing parts of Shining Force III’s script is on the up again! Some of you may well remember DamonD, the chap who wrote up summaries of the events in Scenarios 2 and 3 some years back. Well, he’s back on the scene, and has finished up the missing section of Dusty Village script, and is also working on revising his old chapter summaries, to be posted here at SFC! Great work Damon! Thanks also to our dear Aspartate for doing a couple of revisions to Damon’s translation. If anyone reading this is good with Japanese and has an interest in helping out, Damon is trying to get something organised in this topic at the SFC Forums!

In Shining news, it seems Shining Soul may have finally hit the shops in the USA, or at least it would seem from my visit to GameStop’s site this morning 😉 If you haven’t already seen it, SFC’s review is here.

And last, but not least, I shall try to get a decent update together in the near future 🙂 Already have a comic strip in mind, just haven’t had the chance to get it together. Time really does fly as you get older, I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are going (between updates ;)).

Various Updates

Various Updates

  • New midis for Shining the Holy Ark, Shining Force III Scenarios 1, 3 & Premium Disc, Shining Wisdom and Shining Force CD, courtesy of Magnus Andersson.
  • New Shining Force midi courtesy of Andrew Nguyen.
  • Collectables & collection updated.
  • Some new links added to the database, including this rather cool piece of Shining Miscellany from Aspartate!

Still more updates to come 🙂

No news as yet on the forthcoming Shining Force release for GBA, although I have contacted Sega and THQ. I’ll continue to try to get us some more info!
Also, big thanks to my good friend Rei for being so kind as to try out that odd Famicom ‘Final Conflict’ cart I picked up. He’s grabbed some screenshots for us, and it seems that the game is nothing more than a mislabeled cart – the pictures are available here. Well, at least it didn’t cost too much, eh? Thanks again, Rei!

Nothing else to report at this time, and since we have another viewing of our flat in the next couple of hours, I’d best go tidy up some more 😉

Regular Update

Regular Update

Well, I finally managed to get a decent update done! *lol*

So, today we have:

  • New MP3, Comic & Poll
  • Contest winner announced
  • New Contest launched
  • Collectables section updated
  • My Collection updated
  • Shining Soul II rough translation added (thanks Aspartate!)

    In addition to sending the Shining Soul II translation/guide, Aspartate also sent me this great link, comparing the credits of various Shining games – you might enjoy taking a look!

    Lots of other stuff to do now, but there should be more updates soon!

Exclusive: Shining Soul USA Release Review!

Exclusive: Shining Soul USA Release Review!

Indeed folks, I’ve finally had the time to finish off the game, take some pics and get the review together!

Read the review here 🙂

Many, many thanks to Atlus for providing me with a demo cart! I think this is the first review of the US release. If it’s not, then damnit, I should’ve gotten it finished & typed up sooner 😉

I’ll try to get some more updates done tomorrow – had an unexpected workload this morning, which has made me fall behind again 🙁

Shining Soul II Credits & Summary

Shining Soul II Credits & Summary

First up, my apologies – I’ve lost track of the days this week and forgot I was due to do a regular update at SFC today! I’ll try to do it tomorrow. Things are a little hectic here, as my boyfriend and I are trying to sell our flat, and hoping to buy a house – expensive things, those! So, there’s lots going on! Hehe, if you’ve got a few grand to spare, you know where to send it 😉 Just kidding!

Aspartate has kindly provided us with the production credits for Shining Soul II, along with a translation of the game’s introduction for the summary page. I hope to have her permission to include her rough translation of the game’s events as a sort of script here, to help those playing the game who can’t read Japanese 🙂

Myself, I’ve not had time to play much futher into SSII, though I’d like to! I’m getting a review together for the US release of Shining Soul first, since I’m sure Atlus will be keen to ensure that I’ve kept my end of the review copy deal 😉

I’ve also got a few new items to add to the collectables page and to my collection – one of which is a rather curious item – a Famicom (Nintendo/NES) cartridge that has a Final Conflict label on it. Since I don’t have a Famicom, I can’t try it out just yet. It may be the hacked Chinese language version of Shining Force, it may be some kind of version of Final Conflict, or it could just be a very mislabeled cart! I’m hoping that it’s contents may be useful to those involved in the various Final Conflict remake projects, as it’s nigh-on impossible to get the actual damage calculations and other vital data/formulae out of the Game Gear game/ROM. Perhaps this apparent conversion to Famicom code/format will be easier to get the data from!

More Shining Force III Sc2 Translations!

More Shining Force III Sc2 Translations!

Yes, Beyd’s been busy translating again! Two more sections of the Scenario 2 script are now available (5-17 and 6-15) with the final script over halfway done and expected to be sent for addition to SFC soon! Great work Beyd, we can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done!

Forums Back Online!!

Forums Back Online!!

I’ve been conversing with Smoove for most of the morning trying to resolve the problem, and we’ve finally cracked it. It was related to an update on the server in the last 24 hours, and a new update seems to have fixed it 🙂

Forums Down!

Forums Down!

It seems that something’s broken in the DB again, and worse still, the DB admin panel is currently down, following some server upgrades. I have asked SmooveNET about the problem and they will be looking into it ASAP no doubt!

Meanwhile I’ve disabled the forums to prevent any further problems, my apologies for the inconvenience!

Regular Update

Regular Update

As usual, we have a new MP3, new poll, new comic and finally the results of the July Contest. Both winners turned out to be members of the SFC Forums, so I’m very glad to know the Yogs will be going to good homes 🙂 A new contest has also begun!
If you wanted a Yog plushie, but didn’t win the contest, keep an eye on the updates here, as sometime in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be making a giant (40cm tall) Yog to sell on Ebay! Watch this space 😉 While I’m on the subject of selling, I do still have some Shining Force Gaiden Collector Cards for sale 🙂 Email me for details 🙂

I’ve also made a small update to the Emulation Information page, and was going to update the Chronology page, but I have some matters to attend to at the forums. Meanwhile, you might enjoy reading this topic, in which a new theory has been put forward!

In the coming days/weeks, these things should be updated/added:

  • Review of USA Shining Soul release

    – awaiting the arrival of my review copy!
  • Review of Japanese Shining Soul II release
    – have received my copy, but wanted to get some other updates done before trying it 😉
  • Shining Soul II production credits
    – when I complete the game, or when someone else completes it and translates them (I hear they’re in Kanji!)
  • More Scenario 2 (and possibly, Scenario 3) script translations
    – as soon as Beyd sends them through to me 🙂
  • ‘Where to Buy…’ page update
    – waiting a few more days, as I expect some Shining Soul II guidebooks to be available soon
  • More fan art
  • Updated Shining Chronology

Various Updates

Various Updates

  • Shining Soul II artwork & cover scans added
  • Shining Soul II Collectables updated
  • My Collection updated
  • Links Directory updated (know of a site that needs adding?)
  • Some of the Shining Wisdom script (USA version) added, thanks to SilverShadow!
  • New Shining Force II magazine article scan added, thanks to Blake. You can see a review of the article here!

More updates coming tomorrow, along with all the regular updates & a new contest! 🙂

BTW, if anyone is looking for some Shining Force Gaiden Collector Cards, I have some for sale 🙂 Email me for details 🙂