Damon D has once again been working on the translation of Scenario 2, and has finished off the villager’s conversations in the Dusty Village script section.
In other Shining Force III news, you might have noticed recently that The Home of the Shining Force (Wolfgang’s great site) has vanished! Unfortunately, his host was recently shut down and he has had to relocate. But, as we’ve almost come to expect from Wolfgang, a new URL brings with it a new addition to his site, and this time is no exception – he’s working on a new Shining Force III site, with absolutely loads of pictures from in the game itself. I’ve yet to update the links in the database, and don’t have time right now, but I’m sure you can find your way there from this new link to his site! Great work Wolfgang, can’t wait to see how the SFIII site progresses in the coming weeks while you finish it off!