The music that plays when a character is promoted
Game: Shining Force III Scenario 3
SHOW ONLY:Theme of Jumsy
Theme of Jumsy
The theme of the Julian/Medion/Synbios (JuMSy) Force
Julian’s theme
Julian’s theme
Julian’s theme music
Julian attacks
Julian attacks
The music that plays when Julian attacks
Julian attacks as promoted
Julian attacks as promoted
The music that plays when Julian attacks (promoted)
Julian’s penultimate battle
Julian’s penultimate battle
The music that plays during Julian’s penultimate battle
Galm attacks
Galm attacks
The music that plays when Galm attacks
Goliath’s battle theme
Goliath’s battle theme
The music that plays during Goliath’s battle
Scenario 3’s intro theme
Galm’s theme
Galm’s theme
The theme of the Vandal, Galm
Galm’s battle theme
Galm’s battle theme
The music that plays Galm’s battle
Galm’s Theme
Galm’s Theme
This is the music that plays whenever you encounter Galm.