PS2 RPG price drop – La Pucelle: Tactics

PS2 RPG price drop – La Pucelle: Tactics

As some of you may be aware, I was recently approached by a company wanting to promote a new PS2 RPG at SFC. In exchange I got a review copy of the game. I’ve now been asked to review La Pucelle: Tactics, a more Shining-style RPG… so who was I to refuse? That and the fact that I stand to make a lil’ bit of money from the banners makes this a good opportunity for SFC. After discussing it with forum goers, I decided to go ahead, so here’s the banner.

La Pucelle: Tactics comes from the makers of the much-acclaimed Disgaea series – based on that, and the video on the website, I’m sure this game will be quite enjoyable. It’s been reduced in price to just US$29.99, right in time for the holidays… so if it’s worthwhile, I’ll let you know and you can snap it up while you have time to play over the Christmas break.

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