I really must have been in a rush yesterday, getting the site online… I forgot to add some Special Thanks to the redesign news!
Well, better late than never 🙂
I’d like to take a moment to thank my dearly beloved Lee for his patience during the redesign and for his help with the SFC database and other suggestions.
I’d also like to thank SFC forum member Falz (now known as Flossy?!) not only for getting the member photos page inline with the new design, but also for his assistance with mySQL, PHP, CSS and a few other nuisance pieces of code. I couldn’t have solved some of the problems without you Falzy!
Thanks also to all SFC visitors for bearing with me during the delay getting the site up, and for being so positive about the redesign (for the most part ;)). It seems a few people using the Firefox browser are having problems with the display of the main site – I’m looking into this, however my copy of Firefox loads it all just fine >.<;; I'm also looking at tweaking the main page, following a few accusations of clutterage ;)