Alright, it looks like the page I’d put up at my old space, to keep you informed of the situation has either been taken down, or the server is having difficulties.
Here’s the story so far (short version)…
Just over a month ago, my host was due to move servers. Four weeks later my site still wasn’t up, and I’d had no word from my host. He’d up and left with my money… fortunately though, he returned my domain when he finally made contact about a week ago.
So, being without a host and without funds, I set about to get some money together and find a new host. The money came in thanks to some generous contributions from SFC users who I really can’t thank enough 😀
Money ready, I found a host – – who offer a great package and are dedicated to providing low cost, high feature hosting for fansites such as SFC. Big sites such as host with them, and sing their praises.
I was most thrilled to find that despite the notice on their site that they were not able to accept further hostees at the time, they thought they could manage to fit SFC on their latest server 🙂 So, I got my account paid for (just a month to begin with), domain moved over and a lot of the site uploaded (which I’ve been doing all week on this 56k…). Sadly, within a couple of days of the forums being back online, Smoove found that the server couldn’t cope with the extra load placed on it, and as the last site on it, I was the first to be suspended.
But, don’t worry! That doesn’t mean SFC is totally homeless – it just means I need to wait until they have funds for a new server (they hope this will be in a few weeks, but remember, they don’t make much profit, they’re here to help out folks like me), and then SFC will be moved onto that server.
So folks, don’t be mad at Smoove! They did us a favour trying to get the site back up before they had a new server ready… it hasn’t quite worked out. With a bit of luck we may be able to have a little bit of the site up and running until the new server is ready, but no news on that front at the moment.
Rest assured that when the new server is ready, SFC’ll come back 😀
Meanwhile, I’ll use this page as a place to keep you informed, and post any new Shining news 😉 I’ll go grab the Shining Soul II info I posted at the other temp site and post it here (it’ll be further down the page, as the news is old now). Also, you might be interested to know that there are some temporary forums here (though not as busy, or complete, as the usual SFC forums).